Part 7

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I wake up to music blasting from the back of Detoxes bus. I look up and I see Manilla and Jinkx sitting down and painting each others nails at the counter. I slam a pillow on top of my head while remembering the buses are in motion and I can't run to mine so I can catch some peace and quiet. "Hey gorgeous!" Manilla yells and I shoot her a 'don't fuck with me face.' She scrunches her nose at me and goes back to painting Jinkxes nails. Detox hands me a glass of water and some Ibuprofen. I take a sip and I down the pills and I lay my head back down. Detox walks over and turns down their music. "She has a head ach turn that shit down." Detox walks over to the couch grabbing a magazine and starts reading.
Manilla huffed violently but continued to do Jinkxes nails. Ugh! I forgot Jinkx was on this damn bus this'll be fun. I sit up after my head ach clears and I lay my legs across Detox. Detox forms a smile at the sides of her mouth but continues to read her Magazine. "Payyyyy attttention to meeeeee" I whine while stretching across her lap and batting my eye lashes up at her and wrapping my arms around her waste. "What are you a cat?" She asks laughing. "Well I don't know you always seem to pet my hair like one" I giggle up at her and she ruffles my hair. I see Jinkx staring out of the corner of my eye. What the fuck if you want to say something then say something. I look over my shoulder and Jinkx looks back down at her hands at manila puts on the finishing touches. "There, now don't fuck them up or I'll cut your dick off.", "What dick?!?" I yell, earning a grunt from Detox. Jinkx nervously laughs and walks over to the couch sitting next to us.
After we arrive at our destination I head over to my bus. I grab my stuff and I walk out to see my dads car parked beside our bus I walk inside to see if I could find Roy and I find him around the corner getting into drag. "Why is my dads car here?" I ask sitting down across from him. "Because I wanted to see my beautiful daughter" my heart stops at the very familiar voice and I stand up and I see my Dad leaning against the door way smirking at me. I feel his arms wrap around me and I smile to myself hugging him back. "Just thought I would take a two hundred and thirty mile drive to see my favorite daughter" I smiled to myself "your only daughter" Roy smiled over at us and left the room to give us some alone time. Raja and Jinkx make their way into the small dressing room and nearly knocked him over trying to hug him after they realize who the bearded man was. "Oh my lanta ADORE!!!!!" Jinkx yells hugging him. "It's been way too long" He smiled and hugged back. "So how's my daughter been acting?" He asks sitting down slowly patting my back while sitting next to me. Jinkx lightly scoffs and goes back to beating her face. "Then she must have been doing her job correctly!" Earning a giggle from Raja. I get up and I pull my hair up into a bun. My dad walks over and gets out some of my makeup brushes from my bag. "Can I beat your face tonight?" I smile and nod slowly. He scoots closer and starts to do my makeup 

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