Part 29

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~Christina's point of view~ 

"She's awake." I hear a familiar voice faintly from across the room. I wake up in an unfamiliar white room. It looks like this person only shops at Ikea. I sit up and lean over,  I feel throbbing in my head and my stomach. I put my hand over my mouth looking around trying to locate the bathroom. "Don't worry hun, we have a bucket right here." I empty my contents of the night before into the bucket and I lean back on the soft Egyptian cotton bed. I put a pillow over my face as I notice the sunlight shining directly on my face and I groan in pain. "Yeah she's going through with drawl." I lift up my pillow slightly and I see Fame sitting down beside my bed with her hand on my arm looking at me with concern written all over her face. "Hey hun. Can you tell us what you took last night and how much you took of it? You're not gonna get in trouble, it's so we know what you should take for the pain." I roll my eyes back and I throw the pillow back over my face wincing at the pain. "Uhhhh... a lot of lines of cocaine? Some hits from a bong, and all I remember of alcohol is like probably six shots I'm not sure after that the rest of the night was a blur. "Yeah your friend said you had a load of vodka after that then passed out in his front yard. We came an got you right before the cops decided to show up."

I bite my lower lip till I taste blood at how angry and upset I am at him for calling whomever he did because it ended me up in here. "Just close the curtains I'll be back up, just give me two hours no need to worry." Fame sighs  at me with disappointment. "Those hard core drugs you took are leaving your system. You have to take something or you'll be in here for the rest of the day in pain." I bite the side of my cheek in pain and I clench my fists. "Fine give me whatever, I'll leave as soon as the pain stops." With out hesitation Fame walks out and comes back in with two big pills and a glass of water at hand.

I walk out with a blanket wrapped around me. Roy turns around and glares at me with anger. "You given up yet?" I ask. Fame shoots me an alarmed look and I exhale rolling my eyes. "I think it's best you stay over here. Go ahead, rebel. We'll see how far you can get with someone who went through the same thing you're going through now." I scoff and roll my eyes. "Don't think I won't be across the county by the time you turn your back." Roy runs his fingers through his hair and he looks down at his feet in frustration. Then looks back up at me with narrowed eye brows. "What do you want from me Christina? I gave you love, shelter, food and stability." I feel a knot in the pit of my stomach after hearing that. "You don't fucking love me. No one can love me I'm not love able that's why I'm here. I'm not easy to love. Just get out, and leave me alone!!!" Fame leaves the room after I yell. "Christina... no that is not why you're here hun. I promise you." I narrow my eye brows at him, "fuck your promises!" I yell across my room balling up my fists on each side. "Christina" Roy whispers softly inching closer to me. I freeze in my place unable to control my emotions any longer. "Fuck off Roy, you don't know me at all." Roy takes me in a tight hug like he's trying to keep me still and squeezes the air out of me. I pound my fist against his shoulders trying to push him away, but he won't let me go. "Get away!" I yell, Roy holds me tighter. I try pulling dead weight on him so I can fall to the floor but he just lifts me up. "Roy let go of me." I yelp, kicking his knees trying to get away. "I can't do that Christina. You don't think I love you. You don't think I worry about you every second of the day? You're my family, I was there when you were born the minute I held you in my arms. I knew you'd be the death of me. I knew you'd need me to look after you and I knew you'd be difficult and a hand full at times. But I was willing to sacrifice anything and everything for you. You're just like a daughter to me. So stop saying I don't love you."

 I feel tears at the corner of my eyes after what I just heard Roy confess. He sits on the floor with me still in his arms. I hug him tightly and I whimper. Not only because of the throbbing that's still going on in my head, but the throbbing in my heart. (Dramatic I know) "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I whisper into his chest.

I'm debating on bringing an end to this story soon. I'm not sure. I'll have a different story with different characters (who are drag queens, of course) and a different plot if I end this story any way. And (if you haven't read it) there is also the first story. It's on my wattpad if interested.  

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