Part 26

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~Sutans point of view~

I sit outside until I hear Christina's phone ring then I decide to go back inside. Willam walks in without knocking  with a bottle of wine at hand. "Loook at what I brought!" He exclaimed with a devilish smile across his face. "So I'm guessing you're staying for dinner?" I question taking the bottle and setting it in the fridge. "Is it alright if I did?" He asks, tilting his head to the side. Christina walks in with a grin across her face and her phone in her left hand. "Guess what." She says excitingly, "What?" Willam asks, "I took the record deal!" She yells enthusiastically, "Yaaaaay, finally you've been talking about that for months, it's about damn time gurl!" Christina smiles taking Willam into a tight hug. "You aren't wet are you?" Christina laughs shaking her head no. "You've gotten thinner since the last time I saw you. You aren't doing crack or anything are you?" Christina rolls her eyes. "Noo just haven't been eating as much as I should've been I guess. I'm so used to people being up my ass about it I forget." Willam shoots me a concerned look after Christina leaves the room . "If you don't start being diligent when it comes to her eating habits I will, and no one wants that." I roll my eyes. "I don't know at that age I didn't eat much either." Willam gives me a stank face and leans on the counter trying to come up with a solution. "I guess I'm gonna have to get on her bad side then, didn't Roy warn you about her possible eating disorder?" Willam asks, I nod my head. "I was there when it got really bad. I'm just terrible at being bossy." Willam shakes her head "right ok, sure, learn to be because she's gonna end up in the hospital again, and I can't be here everyday to make sure that girl has at least something in her system." I nod remembering the situation that happened on stage during our tour.

~Christina's point of view~

I walk up stairs and I throw on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt then I throw my hair into a top bun. I remember the cigarettes and weed I brought with me. I get out a pre-wrapped joint from my bag and I light it up. Remembering who I got it from, it's gonna be strong as always.

"Fuck" I cough, taking another hit while sitting beside my open window. I unlock my phone to a text from Sutan telling me that dinners ready. "Oh fuck." I cough, putting the joint out beside my window and leaving it in between the shut window frame and the curtain. I shoot him a text back saying I'll be a second. Or ore like ten minutes.

 I stumble down stairs and I see Willam and Sutan sitting at the dinner table with wine and different options of food. "Food" I exclaim because that's all I can get out. I stumble to my chair next to willam and across from Sutan. "What is she on?" Willam chuckles with a hand over his mouth because it's full of food, Sutan shoots Willam an angry look. I sit down trying to get sober. "Oh shit I'm tired." I mindlessly say while rubbing my eyes. "Gurl don't fall asleep yet, eat a couple bites then you can go lay down" Willam demands gesturing to the made up plate in front of me. "I'm really not in the mood." I sigh rubbing my eyes once more trying to stay awake. "You need to eat." Willam says in a serious tone. I sigh coming back to reality a bit. "I'm sorry. I just haven't been caring about my health or really anything of that nature lately." Sutan looks at me and sighs. "You have to take care of yourself, it worry's all of us, specially Roy." I roll my eyes. "Why do you think I thought it was for the best to give him a break. It wasn't for me, it was for him. He doesn't need some screwed up kid to worry about while he's working." Sutan shoots me a worried look, "that's not true, he'd worry just as much if you were or weren't here."  I roll my eyes and huff looking down at my food. I take a couple of bites.


 I walk up stairs with out saying anything. I plop down in my bed and I close my eyes taking in the soft sheets and I roll myself into comforter cocoon. I breath in deeply as my eyes get heavier and heavier.

I wake up to a pitch black room I look down remembering my body is still probably used to being up at night and asleep during the day. I look over at my alarm clock and I see it's 4:32 a.m. "great" I whisper, I sit up in my bed and I run my fingers through my tangled hair. I pull out my pack of cigarettes and I light it up taking a long drag and exhaling through my nose, making sure the windows open so none of the smoke detectors go off, if he even has any. 
~Sutans point of view~

*Buzzzzzz Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* "Hello?" I hear a familiar raspy voice on the other end of the phone. "Hey... is she doing ok?" I mindlessly sit up quickly and I try to wake up. "Uhhh yeah, do you want to talk to her? I can wake her up if you want." I say while stretching out. "No! no, no. It's fine. I was just worried. She's been eating right?" Roy asks with a strained voice like he's about to start weeping. "Yeah, kinda. She took a couple bites before going up to her room and passing out." I say trying to sound nonchalant. 

I hear Roy sigh on the other end. "You don't sound to good." I say in a worried tone. "No I've been up all night." I side frown with a feeling of empathy in the pit of my stomach. "Christina took the record deal, she's meeting with the producer tomorrow. I think you should come with, since this is gonna be a pretty big deal. Plus you're her sole custodial parent now. I think you'll have to sign some things since she's under eighteen." I state while running my fingers through my grey hair and leaning forward on my knees to support my tired body. "Oh yeah, yeah sure. Just let me know and I'll meet you there for sure." Roy says while yawning. 

We both say our good nights later on. I start to smell cigarette smoke coming from up stairs. Knowing there's only one other person in this house I walk up stairs and I knock on Christina's door. "Yeah?" I hear on the other side. I open the door and I shuffle in plopping on Christina's mattress, looking over at her while she exhales smoke out her window. "I thought you'd be asleep?" She say's while taking another drag. "Yeah but Roy called me and asked me to see how you were doing, then I smelled smoke. She shoots me a frown and offers me a fresh cigarette. "Roy didn't care about you smoking?" I ask, Christina shakes her head as she exhales the smoke out the window. "Nope." I take the lighter from her dresser and I light up the cigarette taking a drag and letting the smoke leave my lungs. "I've been having really bad nightmares, could you stay in here tonight?" I look down at Christina's sad eye's, I can tell she isn't kidding. "Sure hun." I say taking another drag from the cigarette then putting it out shortly after.


Christina climbs into bed next to me grabbing the comforter and pulling it over herself. I lay next to her and I stair up at the ceiling with my arms behind my head.


After about two hours I feel Christina twitching and convulsing next to me. "Christina?" I coo, mildly shaking her shoulders trying to wake her up. It becomes worse and I start to panic "Christina!!!!" I yell  I start violently shaking her shoulders. She knees me an the stomach and pushes me across the bed. "What the hell?" I ask, She looks at me with hurt eyes. "Are you alright?" I ask as I try  pulling her into a hug. "No I'm not." She whimpers as she pushes me away and rolls over on her side facing away from me and starts to sob quietly. "I think you should talk to a therapist about this, it isn't normal." I say quietly as I try to comfort her. "I'm sorry if I hit you, I've been having dreams about that night I got jumped. It's been happening over and over again for the past couple of nights." 

~Christina's point of view~

I cried for hours, I just want the pain to stop. Sutan tries pulling me into a hug again, but I can't stand the feeling of being touched right now, not after that. 
           "I think you should go." I whisper faintly. He nods and shuffles out tiredly "Goodnight" I whisper. Sutan nods back at me and shuts the door behind him. I turn over and stare up at the ceiling trying to reign the toxic thoughts from my dream.  

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