caught - muke

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Soo I decided to do muke bc who doesn't love muke? and anyway luke walks in on mikey and ash kissing aye my true mashton self is coming out SORRY


mikey: baby I'm so so sorry!! you've gotta let me explain

luke: there's nothing to fucking explain, you and ashton were making out in OUR bed.

mikey: it wasn't what it looked like, he kissed me, and he was in a fight with cal and he was drunk

mikey: I was drunk.

luke: oh! you were drunk! it's fine then, I understand mate!

mikey: really?


mikey: please baby don't leave me, it
was a mistake, I love you, not ashton. besides we were fighting too

luke: so done with your FÜCKING excuses. you can't treat me like this and Expect me to come crawling back like a puppy.

mikey: I know. I could spend forever apologizing to you. I'm so so sorry, I will do anything to make this up to you

luke: why Michael? am I not enough for you? is it because I'm ugly? cause I can't help that, I try. is it because I'm bony and too tall?

mikey: no!! let me tell you how much I love you! you're perfect

luke: wow, cheater. I'd love to hear.
PUH-lease enlighten me you fuckwad.

mikey: Well, I'll start with your hair. It's so perfect and smooth, and I could spend all day fluffing it until you smack my hand away from your styled-to-perfection quiff

mikey: I love your cuddles, and how even though I'm older, you taller. you're my big spoon and I love that. you make me feel safe and beautif even when I'm the most insecure and hateful towards myself

mikey: I love when you sing or talk, how your voice sometimes cracks with emotion, or how it buzzes when you sing low notes.

mikey: what im saying is that I AM a dick and you deserve better. I Understand if you wanna leave and I won't stop you no matter how much it hurts me.

mikey: Lucas Robert Hemmings, I am truly, madly, deeply, crazily in love with you and I will be for the rest of my life.

luke: wow. no one has ever said these things to me

mikey: they're all the truth baby

luke: im sorry. :-(

mikey: im the one who should be sorry

mikey: I love you :-)

luke: you did the nose!!

mikey: I also love the dorky nose you
put in your smileys.

luke: I love you mikey

mikey: I love you too, but you already know

luke: IM in the fast lane

luke: from la to Tokyo

mikey: did you just

luke: yes

mikey: still love you

luke: couldn't get enough of the hemmoconda, eh??

mikey: I could never get enough of that
lukey and you know it ;-)

luke: nose!


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