crying over forgotten dates - cake

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luke: OMG CAL

cal: what do you want

luke: I want to make cookies and cuddle.

cal: no leave me alone

luke: what's wrong bby

cal: mind your own beeswax little boi

luke: non merci

cal: why are you speaking french

luke: why don't you turn on your auto capitalization and use proper punctuation?

cal: ):

luke: okay I guess I'll go make cookies and cuddle myself :-((

cal: k


cal: k

luke: I'm beginning to think you don't love me :-(

cal: of course I do you're just annoying me.

luke: why and how

cal: look who isn't using punctuation...

luke: OH MY GOD

cal: what now?


cal: no use crying over spilt milk

luke: why are you so pissy today? I'm actually crying.

cal: you forgot something.

luke: no I didn't!

cal: fuck off yes you did.

cal: I can't believe this

cal: no don't answer or anything

cal: I am not speaking to you for the rest of the day.

cal: why are you even crying over milk you idiot

luke: don't be a lil bitch. I spilled milk everywhere and now I finished cleaning up chill

cal: BC you forgot.

luke: I didn't forget anything

luke: come downstairs

cal: no way leave me alone to die unloved and forgotten

luke: ur such a BABY BABY BABY OHHH

cal: fuk u boi

luke: please come down & wear pajamas

cal: fine.

luke: yay!!!

luke: I hear you walking down the stairs

luke: you are looking at the pillow fort I made and smiling

luke: I think you like it

luke: you're currently hugging me

luke: we are gonna watch Frozen!!

luke: you accepted the anniversary cookies I made!!!

luke: I could never forget the day I started dating the loml <3

cal: get off your phone so we can cuddle and watch Disney movies you dumbass

luke: hurtful :-(

cal: you're MY dumbass.

luke: slightly better but I'll take it!! :-)

cal: you and your fucking smileys

luke: :-)

cal: I'm dating an idiot.

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