Chapter 4| Weapons?

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Kenny's POV

"CARTMAN YOU ASS! WHY WOULD YOU DAMAGE POOR SWEET KYLE!" I yelled, grabbing him and shaking him angrily. Kyle wiped his mouth; his eyes were wide and he seemed confused. "Get off me poor!" Cartman yelled pushing me off of him. "C-can we get out of here now?" Kyle asked nervously. "Kyle are you ok?" Stan asked pulling him into another hug. "Fuck you Stan," Cartman muttered angrily. "Stan get off, we need to get out of here," I said pulling him away from Kyle. He was so cute, his soft orange hair, delicate pale skin and his thing snap structured body. "Are we leaving or-" Cartman's words were cut off by gun fire.

"OH MY GOD!" Gingeveeva screamed in terror. "W-what's happening?" Kyle asked in fear. "YOU SHOT HER! SARAH?! OH MY GOD YOU FUCKING BITCH!" she continued to scream. I could see her pull a large knife out from her arm and she started to stab someone repetitively. "Whoza," fiktionkat commented. We heard loud screaming from all of the girls and saw the crazy ginger girl continue to stab her victim. "YOUR ENTIRE FANFICTION WAS INACCURATE!" she screamed. "Oh my God!" Stan exclaimed in fear. One of the girls looked at us.

She had red hair, flared glasses and a nose bleed. "THEY'RE GETTING AWAY!" she yelled pouncing at us. "RUN ASSHOLES!" Cartman yelled, running away. We started to run but she managed to catch Kyle. "Put him down psycho!" I yelled. "EVERYONE CALM DOWN!" one of the girls screamed. Everyone stopped fighting and screaming and looked at her. "SugarBitsfreak take all the injured to the hospital," she commanded. "Oh hell no! I wanna see who wins," she the girl holding Kyle whined. "Fine, who wants to do it-" "I'll take them!" Gingeveeva said. "You're the one who stabbed her!" she replied. "I need to see if Sarah lives! How 'bout you, Blazedarkness and Anny run the games?" she asked.

"Fine! Just go! They're gonna die!" she replied. Gingeveeva grabbed the arms of TheCarttersShipper and the angry Kyman shipper and dragged them out. "Alright! Cya later nerds!" the black haired girl cheered. "Ok let's do this. Sugar! Tie Kyle back up. Everyone else throw them in the pit!" the girl commanded. "Ok who are you to tell me what to do?!" Cartman asked sassily. "I'm MuffledParka! Now throw them in the pit!" she demanded. A swarm of girls ran at us and grabbed us all over. I have to say it felt nice, but that's not important! I need to win against this assholes!

They threw Stan in first and then me on top of him. "Ewwwww! Not Stenny! Kill it!" Blaze screeched. "Yeah get off me," Stan said pushing me off. "Look Stan, it's obvious Cartman's not gonna win. He's too fat, uncoordinated and let's face it Kyle doesn't show any interest in him," I explained. "You saying we should team up?" Stan asked. "Yeah, you wanna?" I asked. He thought for a moment and nodded.

Suddenly the girls threw Cartman down and he landed on me. "Keneric! Now that's what I'm talking about!" Blaze cheered. "I---can't---breathe!" I gasped. I was fighting for air under Cartman's weight. "Fuck you Kinny," Cartman sneered, pulling himself off me. "Oh my----God you're fat!" I exclaimed in between breaths. "I'm not fat I'm-" "BIG BONED! We get it now shut up!" Kyle yelled as he was being tied up. "Nah he's fluffy," one of the girls said. "You don't have to be so rude," Cartman muttered sorrowfully. "Pleeeeeaaassseee don't!" Blaze whined. "Ok! SHUT UP WITH YOU'RE COMMENTARY!" MuffledParka yelled in annoyance.

"ARE WE SAVING KYLE OR NOT?! JESUS ALL YOU GUYS DO IS FUCKING WHINE!" Stan yelled. "YEAH GIVE US OUR WEAPONS!" Cartman demanded. "Where are they?" Annie asked. "Ummm, she didn't tell us," Blaze replied. "Great," Annie sighed in annoyance. "Ok! Umm new plan. You guys will search for your weapons and first to find theirs gets a prize!" MuffledParka explained. "What's the prize?" I asked. Please be make out with Kyle. Please be make out with Kyle. Please be make out with Kyle. "Winner gets to uhh make out with Kyle!" MuffledParka cheered. "YESSSSS!" I yelled in excitement. "But only if your name is Stan Marsh," Blaze added. "Ok, now find the weapons!" MuffledParka instructed.

With that we ran towards the enormous opening with many bars guarding it. "Ok let's try this," Stan said walking up to the door. "How are gonna open it genius?" Cartman asked. "Uhh I don't know," Stan mumbled. "Attention fangirls! Do not touch the boys! You will be tortured mercilessly if you do!" Blaze warned. "Hey can you open this?" I asked her. "I have no fucking idea how this place works," she replied. "Great," I muttered. "Maybe it's that lever ho!" Cartman yelled, pointing at a lever above the gate.

"Ohhhhhhh that'd make sense," Blaze said. She walked over to the lever and pulled it with great force. The bars went down and we were free to explore the tunnel. "Alright now go find your shit," Blaze said. We ran into the tunnel. I'm going to save Kyle if it's the last thing I do.

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