Chapter 8| Who Get's Kyle?

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Kenny's POV

"Dude he's dead!" I cheered. All of the girls on our side started to cheer while the girls who favored Cartman started screaming. "NO! BIAST! I CALL A BIAST!" Velvet screamed angrily. All the girls were going crazy, except Gingeveeva for some odd reason. Stan was smiling until he looked at me and started to frown. "What's up dude?" I asked. "We have to fight now," he replied. "Oh shit you're right," I replied, saddening a little. "Wait, why the hell are you alive?" Stan asked. "Dude, I die like everyday. You guys just always forget about it. Today I just came back sooner than I normally do," I explained.

"Oh, I'm not gonna deny that because some pretty weird shit happens to us," Stan replied. "Yeah, crazy fangirls are now expecting us to fight to the death for Kyle," I laughed. "I don't want to fight," Stan admitted. I gripped my spear and lodged it at him. "DUDE! What the fuck?!" Stan questioned angrily. "I'm sorry Stan but I need Kyle!" I yelled, jabbing my spear at him again. "You mean you need Kyle's body! This entire time you haven't paid any attention to him! You don't love him like I do!" Stan yelled back.

"Are you kidding me?! I love him too! He's the smartest kindest person I know! Sure I comment on his body a lot but that's just what I'm good at. I think Kyle's a wonderful person and I don't just love him for his body!" I yelled, stabbing Stan in the arm. He gripped his axe tightly and slashed me in the side of my head. I fell to the ground and started to bleed heavily. Everything went black for a moment but then I saw a bright light. This is how I felt when I died earlier. I lost all my senses.

Stan's POV

"Kenny?" I questioned, shaking his body. "Oh my God! I killed Kenny!" I exclaimed in tears. I waited for Kyle to say something. "Stan is the winner!" Blaze cheered. All the girls started to go crazy. "Bullshit!" Kenny said, sitting up. "Ho-how are you-" "You can't kill me!" Kenny yelled, a creepy grin forming on his lips. "What's happening?!" Kyle questioned. Sugar went up and pulled off his blindfold so he could see. Kenny forced his speech head into my shin, pinning me to the ground. "AHHHHH!" I screeched out, trying to pull away.

He grabbed my axe and raised it above his head. "KYLE IS MINE!" he cheered. Just before he could lower it all the fangirls started to scream in fear. The strange thing is it wasn't because Kenny was about to kill me, they were focused on Kyle. Kenny and I looked over to see Cartman holding his sword across Kyle's neck as to slit it. "CARTMAN IS ALIVE!" Kenny screamed in shock. "Thanks to the crazy ginger bitch," he replied with a smirk. "Ginger?! How could you?!" Blaze cried. "I needed him alive for my next fanfiction!" Gingeveeva replied angrily.

"How did you even do that?" TheCarttersShipper asked. "Did you not hear me?! I am a wizard physic genius ninja! I used the wizard part to fix Cartman," she replied. Kenny stood up and pulled the spear out of my leg. "Cartman don't hurt Kyle!" I begged. "You wouldn't kill him! You love him too much to hurt him!" Kenny yelled. "On the contrary, I love Kyle it's true but I love watching you suffer more!" he sneered. "Quick! My sexy knights go!" Saltwater commanded. "I didn't finish the costumes yet," Gingeveeva admitted embarrassedly. "Throw your fanfictions at him Blaze!" Sugar yelled.

"Good idea! Everyone throw your fanfictions!" Blaze yelled. The girls started to throw many books, papers, phones and even computers (because for some reason this psychos brought those with them) at Cartman. "AYE! What the fuck?!" Cartman exclaimed, dropping his sword and falling down. "Grab him!" Gingeveeva demanded. The girls grabbed Cartman and held him down. "Ok, how about Kyle chooses who he wants instead," Sugar suggested. "Why didn't you idiots do that in the first place?" Emmy asked. "Because we're fangirls!" MuffledParka yelled in response. "See this is why I'm afraid of you guys," Emmy said.

"Ok, Kyle who do you want to date?" Gingeveeva asked as the other girls untied him. "I'm straight, I don't want any of them," Kyle replied. "BULLSHIT!" Blaze yelled. "Are you at least half-fag?" Cartman, who was still being held down, asked. "Look Kyle we know you're gay don't deny it," Sugar said. His face flushed with red. "Ok fine! You bitches always win," he muttered angrily. "Alright, now do you want Cartman-" "Fuck no! That bastard tried to kill me!" Kyle yelled. "Ok, so do you want Kenny or Stan?" Gingeveeva asked. "Should we leave on a cliffhanger?" Emmy asked. "Yeah definitely, I'm not gonna update this until next week just to piss everyone off," Gingeveeva said.

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