Chapter 6

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I blink my eyes a few times, but it's still dark as if I was still unconscious, though I clearly wasn't. I panick when all I can see is darkness. Am I blind? What has Stanley done to me? It takes a few moments to get used to the dark. I am in a room with no windows and no doors that I could see. Terrified I look around to see if there is anything that could help me get out of wherever I was.

All I can see around is a tiny table which has something on it. Carefully I take a few steps towards it and try to see what's on the table. There is a flashlight! I immediately turn it on and the whole room seems much brighter now. The room is  a square with nothing more than a table and a pillow on which I obiously was left unconscious. I suddenly see that there is something else on the table, there's a pile of envelopes and sheets of paper. I come closer to examine it and with the help of my flashlight I see that there is also a note on top of the papers.

Dear Becca,

Now that you're reading this, you've clearly regained your consciousness, I'll briefly explain the situation. I had to lock you up as you were too dangerous to keep in the open. In our short conversation it was clear that you still are not aware of what is the reality and what is only your imagination, the world that you've created for yourself. I am sorry that I had to take the rest of your written letters to examine it properly, but I left a stack of everything you need to keep writing them. It seems to help you stay sane in the situation you've created.

Best wishes,

Dr Stanley Marcus

I sit with no expression, trying to figure out what all of this means. I have to read it at least 3 more times to realize this is real. I am kidnapped and locked up somewhere. I can't even see any door, but clearly there has to be some, as I had to be put here. Then it hits me, that this doctor has taken the most personal part of me. He took my letters. I poured my heart out in them, the only other person that could've ever read those letters would've been Zayn. Oh, Zayn, I wish he was here right now to come and rescue me. The way he was always there to rescue me from the darkest places in my life. But no, I am alone here. I don't have a phone, a computer or any other way of contacting the outside world here.I only have the stack of papers to write letters which will most likely be taken away from me once more and read. My most personal feelings will be read.

However, thinking more carefully, that is not the most important thing right now. The most important thing is to figure out how the heck do I get out of here. Suddenly, a bright light interrupts my thoughts and I have to close my eyes as it is blinding me. Once it is gone and I open my eyes again I see Stanley in front of me. He is holding some sort of console in his hands, touch screen obviously as I can see no buttons. He presses it and the wall behind me disappears and I can see sunlight and a forest. No sign of civilization but I run towards it anyway. Unfortunately, my run for life only lasts a few seconds before I hit the glass and fall back really hard.

" Why would you run away so soon?" Dr Stanley asks with a mischief smile on his face.

" Well maybe because you're holding me here agains my will, you asshole?!" I scream on the top of my lungs, frustrated at the situation.

" It is all for your benefit, sweetheart, though you appearently don't realize it right now."

" My benefit? What the heck are you talking about?" I continue on shouting at the man. " Oh wait, I don't know what's real and what's my imagination, right? Well I know that what you're doing is a crime and you will pay for it, you stupid bastard!"

" You may want to tone it down, I'm pretty sure you woudln't want a bunch of security guys to rush in and use the medicine again to leave you unconscious" The tears fill my eyes as I understand that he is not kidding and I have no way of resisting him.

" Alright, you're right, I don't want to be put to sleep again. So how did I get here? How did you get here? How long are you gonna keep me here? Why.."

" Wow, you sure have a lot of questions" Stanley itnerrupts me to state an obvious fact. " Sorry, but I am the one who chooses what information you are allowed to know and what will be kept a secret. For now I can tell you this: in this building you are the only patient, there is no way you can get out of here as you need a console like mine to do so. Even if you ever did find a way, we're in a  middle of nowhere and we would find you within a matter of minutes. Don't worry, you will get food, water and everything needed for a girl your age"

"Will  I get a phone?" This was obviously the thing that was the most neccessery to me right now, so I could call Zayn. He would surely find a way to get me out of this place. My thoughts are once again interrupted, this time with laughter.

"Haha, what a dreamer. Who would you call? Your friend Zayn?" It pisses me off the way he says the word friend. As if he doesn't even believe I know him. "Becca, no one can help you now but you, yourself. And you can do it by continueing to write the letters, as they help us understand what's really going on in your head.

" Now why would I ever want to let you in to my head? " I ask a bit too harshly considering my circumstances.

" Because that is the only way you can regain your freedom, if that is how you would describe your every day life. " I am left to wonder whether it was meant to be an insult or not.

" How many letters do you want before you let me go?" I ask prepared to hear a laughter, but I can see him running his fingers through the console, reading something written on the screen.

" I don't have a certain amount of letters. I just need for you to realize the reality while writing them."

" Reality, reality it's all you keep saying. You want me to admit that I am crazy or what?" I ask impatient to find the way to leave this place.

" You could put it like that, I guess. So I'll leave you to it. Here is a console for you, but it only controls the arrival of your food, hygiene stuff such as shower and a bathroom. If you really want to leave this place, you'd better start co-operating with us immediately." Dr Stanley says in something what seems kind and polite manner.

"Alright. I will do. I don't want to spend another day in here. Wait, how long have I been out?" I suddenly realize that I don't know how long I've been gone, maybe Zayn has already noticed that something is not right.

" Two days, but your health has not been affected by that, don't worry. See you later, Becca." Stanley says and disappears into the blinding light, just as he appeared.

This is it, I have to start writing the letters so I can get out of here. And I will find a way to get Stanley's console and run away. There's no doubt about that.


Thank you to everyone reading! 100 reads for this part to get the next one ;) I would appreciate some votes and comments as well

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