Chapter 8

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Bre's POV

We were in the airport and Zach was making snapchats on his hover board. We already went through security and all the other stuff.

All of a sudden I see a happy Zach zooming right towards me. The closer he got I noticed he was videotaping. I quickly covered my face cause I didn't look good right now. I was wearing sweats and a sweatshirt.

Oh and don't even remind me, my hair is in a messy bun. "Why are you hiding your beautiful face?" He frowned. "Because right now is not my best look." I whined.

He pulled my hands away from my face. And looked at me right in the eyes. "You look beautiful, and I don't want you to think you don't. You are the most gorgeous girl I've ever met." He grinned stroking my cheek.

I smiled at him. "Thank you." I said almost a whisper. He winked at me and zoomed off. I just sighed and sat back in my chair.

        After plane ride

We were walking off the plane and as soon as we were off Zach got straight on his hover board. I swear he's addicted. But I also think it's cause he was excited to see his friends. And he really wants me to meet them.

They are called 5quad. He says I'll really like them. We were walking out to the rental car digifest got us but we were stopped by a bunch of fans. Zach quickly took pictures with them and then we drove to the hotel.

Once we arrived we got our cards to get into the room and went up to our rooms. We opened the door to the room and there was only 1 queen sized bed and two smaller ones.

Immediately I jumped on the queen bed and called it but at the same time someone else said it.


I glared at him. He looked scared and ran off the bed. I smiled in satisfaction and laid down. But then someone else bigger than me laid beside me.

"Hey sissy looks like I'm your new bed buddy" he cheesed. My eyes widened at how gross that sounded. "Not like that." He scowled with a chuckle. I just rolled my eyes and got up. I actually forgot Cam was here. Oops.

"I'm gonna go down to Starbucks want anything?" I asked. "No thanks I'm gonna rest." He said and plopped face first onto the bed.

This hotel is amazing there's a Starbucks in the main lobby. I walked out of the room and double checked I locked it. I turned around and bumped into someone.

Which caused me to fall. I look up and I see a blue eyed dark haired boy. "I'm so sorry." He said and gave me a hand to get back up.

"It's all alright it was my fault." I said. He flipped his hair and let me just tell you.................


"I'm Hayes, Hayes Grier." He smiled. I knew he looked familiar. "I'm Bre Smith." I said. "I was just about to go to  Starbucks want to come?" He nodded his head.

We were heading downstairs when my phone started ringing. It was Zach.

Z- hey babe
My stomach dropped when he called me babe. But in a good way.

B- nothing much. Just going to Starbucks.

Z- ooo can u get me something pweaty pweez

B- ya for sure what do u want.

Z- the usual

Then I turn and see Hayes coughing like crazy I quickly run up to him and see if he's ok. "I'm fine just a cold." He said. I nodded my head and continued talking to Zach.

Z- who's that and are they ok?

B- ya it's just Hayes.

Z- did you just say Hayes as In Hayes Grier!

B- yes as in Hayes Grier. But anyways i have to go so I can actually go to Starbucks.

Z- okay bye!!!!!

I turn to Hayes who is looking at me confused. "It was my boyfriend. He's here for digifest. He's one of the acts." I smiled, I'm so proud of Zach he's come so far.

"That's cool I'll want to meet him." He winked.

We got the drinks and went back up to the rooms. I'm guessing Hayes wants to meet Zach now cause he was following me to my door.

I opened the door and am bombarded by Zach to get his drink. He started screaming like a little girl. But an excited scream. He turned around and saw Hayes.

His eyes widened. He quickly coughed and straightened himself. "Oh um who's this Angelina?" He said. I gave him the 'are you kidding' look.

"Hayes Grier" I smiled. "Oh nice to meet you." Zach said while shaking his hand. As Zach looked at him I saw the excitement in his eyes.

"Hey well I've got to get going but we should exchange numbers and then I'll see you at the show." Hayes said.

Before he left we exchanged numbers and a quick goodbye hug. As soon as the door closed Zach started jumping around all over the hotel room.

"Omg I just met Hayes fucking Grier." He screamed. I smiled at how happy he was. It made me happy.

Zach then stopped jumping cause his phone went off. "Yay the boys are on their way up." He cheesed. And went back to fan girling.

2 minutes later there was a knock at the door. Zach shot up but then fell right to the ground cause he tripped over his hover board. I started laughing like crazy.

"Ah fuck." He yelled. But quickly got right back up and went straight to the door. I guess his fall was so loud that I could hear laughter on the other side of the door.

As soon as the door opened there was a lot of hugging and yelling. I just stood there awkwardly. "So where's your girl. I'd bet she'll be mine right after I see her." Some guy said. That voice sounded so familiar.

Then the guy who said that walked up to me and as soon as I saw his face my mouth dropped open and so did his.

"Edwin?" I gasped. "Bre?" He gasped. We quickly ran to each other and I engulfed him in a huge hug. As soon as we pulled away everyone was standing there confused af.

"Edwin's my.....

Thank you all for 1k reads In honour of that I composed this chapter.  the next update I'll try and make even longer so I hope u guys enjoyed this and I will be bringing in the girlfriends later.


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