Chapter 9

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Bre's POV

"Edwin?" I gasped. "Bre?" He mocked me. We quickly ran to each other and I engulfed him in a huge hug. As soon as we pulled away everyone was standing there confused af.

"Edwin's my.....

Cousin." I said. It's true we may not have the same last names but we are related. Edwin and I used to be really close but then he moved.

"I've missed you so much." He says hugging me again. I just smiled. I pulled away and looked at all the boys. "so this is Bre." Zach said hugging me. I smiled and waved.

"I'm Nick, Nick Bean." A guy who looked about 18 or 19 said. "I'm Timmy Connors." "I'm Rudan C." another guy said. I waved at them. "Hi I'm Bre Smith." I said. They all came in for a group hug. I just laughed cause they squished my arms down which didn't allow me to hug them back.

"Okay guys so we all will be having our own small cotton beds" Zach told them. Nick then looked at the bed. "Then who gets the big bed." He paused. "Please don't tell me you and Bre are gonna do the dirty on that bed if that's why you get the bed." He said with a disgusted face. My eyes widened. I started laughing.

Zach looked so embarrassed." She's sharing with her brother idiots." Zach said. "Oh what's your brothers name?" Timmy asked. "Cameron Dallas." I replied. All their mouths dropped open. "What?" I asked. I don't get why they were so happy about Cameron, they're famous too. "He is so famous compared to us. Us compared to him is nothing." Rudan said.

 "Where is Cam?" I asked. Zach pointed to the bathroom. All of a sudden our room door opened and Nash Grier walked in the room. He looked up and saw the boys. "Oh sorry I have the wrong room." Nash said. They were right if they were really famous Nash would've known them. Whatever, I think they are famous. "No Nash you have the right room. Cam is in the bathroom." I told him. "Hey Bre haven't seen you in awhile." Nash said hugging me.

Your probably thinking how do you not know Hayes if you know Nash. Its because Cam doesn't care about me. He doesn't want me meeting his friends. He says ill just embarrass him. I know he's pretty mean. He never talks to me and he spends more time with Nash's sister than me. He tells our mom how much he wished he had a little sister like me and my mom agrees with him. I know it seemed like he was nice to me before but that's just because Zach was there. Also he wasn't gonna bring me to digifest I only came cause Zach invited me.

But that's a whole other story. After Cam came out  he explained to Nash who all the guys were and stuff. After that he left with Nash to film a video. I can tell Zach had a question but he gave me the 'ill tell you later' look. I nodded my head at him. "Hey let's go eat taco bell for dinner. Yeah?" nick asked. We all agreed and they called for an uber.

Once the uber got here we all got in. We arrived at the taco bell and Edwin paid for the uber. We walked inside and immediately he boys ordered. I was so hungry. I reached into my purse to grab my money but my wallet wasn't there. Cam took it! Ugh I'm tired of him always taking my money. But what I'm more scared of is that I brought $1,300. I know a lot for digifest its just I've been saving up for a hoverboard and the $200 was for food and anything extra.

Looks like I'm no eating tonight. "Babe what are you gonna get?" Zach asked. I just shrugged my shoulders but I almost died when he called me that. All the boys went and sat down with their food. After a couple of minutes I went to go sit with them. "Why don't you have any food." Timmy asked. "I'm not hungry." I said. Even though I  really was. "The whole ride here you kept on saying how hungry you were." Zach chuckled. I didn't know what to say he was right. Edwin got up and said he was going to the bathroom. A couple minutes later he came back with two hard tacos and  aburrito. That's what I always get.

"You remembered my favourite things to get?" I asked in disbelief. The last time we had taco bell together was before he moved. Which was 7 months ago. He nodded his head proud. I looked at the tray with excitement in my eyes. I love taco bell!!!! In only 5 minutes I ate all my food. The boys all looked  at me weird. Cause they were all still eating. I wiped my mouth with my napkin and looked down. I was pretty embarrassed. They all finished and we called another uber.

We got back to the hotel and I saw Cam moving around on a hoverboard. I guess he's using Nash's. As I was unlocking my room door Cam zoomed up to me. ""Hey sis look what I got it. I owe you one." He winked. I'm going to kill him he used my money!!




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