Island of the Unnatural: Ch. 23-25

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Yay, ch 23-25 ;D THE GOOD PART!!!!


To the Maze

{The per¢eption of Becky|


I grabbed what I could from the pile: a sword and medium-sized backpack. I hope there's some good stuff in there. It's all I have now to survive against the other fifteen people. Well, make that less since I'll have Shawn and Keely with me. Hopefully, I won't have to fight them at the end.

Our time begins in ten seconds now. "Let's give our thanks to those who will survive," the president says and smiles. One person. The president backs away, ready to leave on the plane with the servants. My heart is beating so bad. "Let the Blood Games begin!" It's so sudden, I'm frozen in my place with my two allies. Some people dart for the left-a forest, and some dart for the right, which turns around a corner. I look up at the plane flying away. We're stuck now. And it's a terrible decision to be distracted. I'm hit in the back of the head and crash to the ground.

Instantly, I yell, "Shawn! Keely! Run, I'll meet up with you!" They listen and begin to run, trying to hide in the bushes and trees. They go right, I need to remember that. My head is so sore I can barely move, but I look up at my opponent. She's a bit chubby. It's easy to tell that she's handy with a club because she holds one tightly in her hand. From here, she looks so sorry for me. But I can't be fooled. I kick her and she easily flails her arms and falls to the ground. I have a strong feeling to take her club and run, but I've no use for it.

Now I'm stuck with the decision to kill her now or let her move on. I hear a fight not to far away, and soon, they'll come after me. With the terrible feeling of regret, I slash a long cut on the girl's leg. Maybe she'll bleed out. But no, that's too painful for her. I hate this. I can't make decisions and I'm running out of time. I need to get away from here, so I make a run for it, trying to search out Shawn and Keely. Finally, they call my name in the quiet safety of a clump of bushes. I jump in and greet them. "Did you kill her?" Shawn asks, picking some berries off the bush.

"No... I couldn't do it," I confess. "But I slashed her leg."

"Well, great, but if you just killed her, we could've had one less person to kill!" She screams that a little too loud, and I'm actually tempted to take her down now. But she's here to help.

"Shut up. We're going to be discovered. Let's get moving." She's about to eat a berry before I stop her. "You don't know if those are good." She pops one in her mouth, and I wait for her to blotch out or something, but nothing happens. "Well, guess not. Fill your backpack with them, then we'll go."

Once we get somewhere safe, we'll check our packs, but for right now we're too close to that fight scene. For all I know, the girl with the club could be hunting me down to finish me off. I try not to think that I have a concussion. Of course I don't, or I'd be out cold.

Shawn has her backpack filled, so we look out on the path (well, it's not really a path, but whatever) to make sure the coast is clear. It's a good thing we looked because the same girl with the club is running past. She looks frantically around, limping on the leg I cut her. I shoot a glance at Shawn and she gets the message to throw the spear. She must have practiced a lot because it gets her right in the heart. She collapse to the ground. I hear a loud call, "Diana Johnson!" I fear it's someone coming to help her, but nobody comes, and I realize it's just to let us know who died. That's her. As we ignore the club and move on, I hear another name: "David Hals!" So that puts us with fourteen people left. Maybe we can do this.

I suppose we walk about a mile. I notice on my right side, there's been a bamboo fence. When I come to an opening, I know it's not just a fence. There are white walls that go in different directions. Well, we could be safe there. Not that many people will bother to look behind walls. We walk on a thin layer of grass and take a right turn because the left is a dead end. When we get farther in, I realize it's a maze. We then find out we need to get out of there because there's nothing to keep us alive, but we only fail when we try to find our way to the beginning again. The only decision we have is to find our way out the end.

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