Chapter I - The ManSion WheRe NoNe SHould ENTER!

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I look in the mirror of the dingy bathroom of my hotel room that I share with Sanzo-sama as I brush my hair like Hakkai taught me. I am wearing a dark red short-sleeve half-shirt under an oversized black sweater that covers my black finger-less gloved hands, black cargo pants and a special light purple cloth tied around my neck that acts as my Limiter. I look into my blood-red eyes and see my light blue birthmarks/tattoos as I tied my wavy waist-length dried-blood-red hair into a side-ponytail and tie a simple light purple cloth around my eyes to keep people from mobbing me for looking like a half-blood, though I can still see through the inside of the cloth.

I leave the bathroom to see Sanzo-sama sitting on my bed. "Where do you think your going?" he asks as I pick up my sachel and place a spare set of clothes in it along with ten water bottles and twenty apples, bandages and plenty of rags. I sling it over my head for it to rest slightly behind me and I tie my large sword to my back as I answer and grab my white pet snow-bear with a light purple around his neck called Kumarikki and hold him in my arms . "Gonna investigate a sudden appearance of a so-called abandoned mansion." I answer quietly as I am still not used to talking and he nods is head in understanding. "So, you want to go investigate it yourself with Kumarikki as back-up?" he asks and I nod my head in agreement. "Hopefully, we'll be done and back by midnight." I say and he nods his head in agreement and I leave the room, down the stairs and out of the hotel. Outside is one of the teens that informed me of the mansion, he nods his head and leads me to the woods and up to the mansion where his father is most likely dead along with any other men that went to investigate. I watch him head back to the town and I look at the mansion.

It looks like any other abandoned mansion, but I can see phantom traces of blood pouring from the windows. "Blood." simply says Kumarikki and I nod in agreement. I walk towards the front door when I see a pile of twenty fist-size rocks, so I pocket them in my left pants pocket since my right pocket has my pocket knife and a couple packs of my favorite cigarettes. I light a cigarette before entering the mansion with Kumarikki in my arms.

~ 1st Floor Foyer ~

Once I carefully close the door, I notice something is wrong immediately. "Too clean." Kumarikki whispers and I nod my head in agreement The place is too clean to be abandoned and the fact that there is another group in front of me consisting of an albino wearing a white tank-top under a black hooded-jacket black jeans and white and black sneakers with a Iron Cross around his neck, a tall man with slicked back blonde hair and piercing yet wary blue eyes wearing what seems to be a uniform with the same Iron Cross, a lightly-tanned male with amber-brown hair with a weird stray curl that favors the left side of his head with closed eyes wearing another uniform and a smaller male with ear-length black hair with coal-black eyes wearing a white uniform. The main thing about them is the fact that the group is all Human.

As the strange group talks among themselves, I look around to see dead ahead of the front door a staircase, to the left of the stairs is a hallway leading north. To my left is a hallway leading west and to my right is a hallway leading east. Suddenly, there is a echoing crash coming from the East Hallway. As the group argues on if they should leave or go investigate the noise, I decided to investigate it myself.

~ 1st Floor East Hallway ~

The first door I come across is on the left wall, I check it to hear it is locked so I move further down the hallway to an open kitchen/dinning room as I put out my cigarette and place the stub in a pouch Goyjo got me. From right to left is a large wooden table with wooden chairs meant for four to six people. To my left is another wooden door on the back wall, and to the right of that is an old kitchen set. I check the cabinets to find mold and rotting food with a note on the door. I ignore the note because Kumarikki and I can barely read the language that it is in, though I do see a lightly dusty glass cup so I take that and put it into another right pocket of my pants 'cause I got the feeling that I'm gonna need that soon. I check the door to find it also locked so I look around some more for the reason I am here in the kitchen/dining room to see a broken glass plate on the floor by the stone counter which has an equally glass sink and potion set. I place Kumarikki in a special pocket of my sachel to free my arms and I bend down and carefully grab the largest piece of the broken plate and place it in the same pocket as the cup when I hear a faint sound of a very girlish screaming coming from where I left the odd Human group.

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