I want you

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Savannah's POV
I shook my head as I passed the horrific sight in front of me. Tiffany having a disgusting make out section with Hunter. She was sucking his face, literally. I snuck behind them but it didn't stop Tiffany from stopping her make out section to insult me. "Hey nerd." She giggled in a girlish way. "Hello, Tiffany." I said, holding my head up high and not letting my guard down. She scoffed at me and looked me up and down. "Looks like someone needs some fashion advice." Tiffany scowled. "I could say the same to you." I shot back and strut into the classroom. I'm not usually someone who strikes back but when I do, I come fierce. I felt her stare blazing into the back of my head as I took my seat in the front. Her and Hunter, the school hottie/bad boy came into the room. Tiffany, giving me dirty looks and Hunter not seeming to notice me, as usual. But, everyone knows he sees me. Sometimes he gives me side looks and tries his best to smirk but his face usually looks something like this.😑. It scares me. "Savannah, could you tell me a little about the human body from our textbooks?" Mrs.Labrencis asked in her high pitched- old lady voice. I smiled brightly at her and nodded. "I would be happy to." I beamed and the class groaned. I just smiled but deep down I knew how hurt I was with the bullying situation and all. I started sharing about what the textbook said and the class looked bored. I just have to keep up this act as nerd as long as possible because I'm really smart and I like learning new things but it's not who I am at home, at all. I'm this crazy weirdo funny fun person when I walk off the bus and see my brother sitting in his car in the driveway, going off to meet his girlfriend so he doesn't have to see me. So, having the house to myself is awesome. I dance around the kitchen telling things to my inanimate friends. It's fun, you should try it some time.

Who am I kidding. Being who I am stinks, being bullied 24/7 and having stuffed animals for friends. But, I'm not the stereotypical nerd with thick rimmed glasses and stuff like that. I'm average when it comes to looks but above average when it comes to grades. I'm in accelerated everything and always the teachers favorites. I've never thought suicidal like ever in my life and I don't plan to be. I will just weep in the girls locker room after being excused from gym the millionth time this trimester.

After explaining everything single letter and word in the textbook, half the class was asleep. Mrs.Labrencis even looked a little impatient. I smiled again at everyone and took my seat. There were some 'finally's around the classroom but I ignored them. The one that stood out was Tiffany. She thought she was whispering quiet enough but sure enough, I heard her. And her calling me a "bitch that needs to die" is very common. Her frien... I mean robot soldiers giggled in a stupid girlish way and gave me innocent looks as if I was stupid. But, I could beat them in every subject. Even gym which is a lot to say but they literally don't do anything in gym. They just complain about how the sweat is running they're makeup when they don't have a drop of sweat anywhere on their body. And for they're classes.... Oh boy.

"Hey, um, Samantha?" Hunter asked as he came up to me. "It's, Savannah." I muttered quietly and slightly blushed. "Oh, sorry." Wait a minute. Did I just here THE Hunter apologize to the nerd of the school?! I shook my head and stared wide eyed at him. He smirked a little but kept his eyes with amusement. "Well, Savannah. Or nerd, whatever you wanna be called. Tiffany McSLUTington or Tiffany WHOREton, whatever you choose to call her, needs her homework done. And so do I." He grunted the last part and shoved paper into my arms. I audibly gulped making his smirk deepen and his eyes fill with amusement. I stuffed the papers into my binder and sharply nodded. He chuckled at my actions and someone looped their arm around his. "Baby, why are you talking to little miss shy nerdy girl?" Tiffany asked as she pressed her body into hunters as hard as she could. I mentally puked. "Just giving her the homework, is all." Hunter assured and slightly scooted away from her. The bell rang through my ears and Tiffany just walked away. "So, Samanth, I mean Savannah. I guess I'll see you around." He winked and slid his hand into the binder and took his and Tiffany's homework back. I gaped at him as he walked away. My eyes were glued open as he exited the classroom and down the hall. What the eff just happened?

"I know you hate me and that you never want to see me but I have a quick question please please please can you pick me up from school?" I begged my brother over the phone as the bus I missed drove away and I hated walking because it took 30 minutes to walk/run from the school to my house. "No." He said flatly. "Reece, please please please!" I begged. "I have no one to walk home with and I missed the bus, please!" I squealed into the phone. "No." He said again in a bored tone and hung up. I dropped my arm to my side and groaned. To make matters worse, it started to rain. I felt like I was in a movie and then some random dude was gonna come out and kidnap me and bring me to a van and turn out to be a really awesome guy and we end up falling in love but then he finds someone else he loves and just kills me. Yah, that's how I feel right now.

"Hello, Savannah."

Ahh! Oh no. My thought is coming true.

"Please don't hurt m... Hunter?" I asked as I realized who it was. My hair was dripping wet and it stuck to the sides of my face. It felt awful. "Need a ride?" He asked. "Uhhh." I hesitated. "I'm not gonna kill you." He said. "Well, thanks for the heads up." I said sarcastically. He chuckled as the rain became really heavy. "No thanks." I finally said and moved the wet hair off my face. "Oh please." He sighed. "You know you really want to. I wouldn't walk home in this if I was offered a ride." He pointed out. "Why do you want to bring me home? You could be like everyone else and ignore me." I sighed. His eyes flickered to mine. Then, he got close enough to me so her could whisper in my ear. "I want you."

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