Angry side

318 19 1

Savannah's POV

Warmth was radiating off onto me and I couldn't figure out what it was.

A weight was weighing down on my waist but my eyes refused to open, forcing me to go back to bed. But frankly, I was scared to fall back asleep. Images flashed in my head of Summer, Reece, my mom, dad. The whole family being broken apart in that one day.

That's the reason I'm scared of everything- everyone. Anyone with an approach that isn't telling me how bad I look, scares me.

When I realized that I wasn't scared of Hunter, a jolt of energy surged through me and I snapped open my eyes. I examiner my surrounding before my eyes landed on the sleeping figure next to me. His arm was tightly wrapped around my waist, like I was gonna get up and walk away and never come back.

I quietly tried removing his arm from around my waist, blushing fiercely in the process.

A protesting groan came from Hunter as he yanked me into his body.

"Going somewhere?" He asked mischievously with a hint of huskily.

I squeaked as my back collided with him and I buried my head into his chest, shaking my head.

A hearty chuckle erupted the room and the chest I was leaning on began to vibrate.

"I was just kidding, Kitten." He whispered and shoved his face into the crook of my neck. He inhaled and I instantly felt self conscious again.

I pulled my self forwards and off the bed in a hurry.

"Savvy?" Hunter asked with worry clear in his voice.

"My parents are probably worried about me." I mumbled, letting my hair cover my pinks cheeks.

An unclear emotion passed across hunter's face almost like he knew something that I didn't. "No. I'm coming with you."

To say I was shocked was an understandmeant.

"We were with each other all yesterday afternoon." And as soon as I said that, I realized how weird it sounded to say.

It may not have been weird for Hunter to say or anyone else I know to say, but it felt weird rolling off my tongue.

I rushed out of the room and walked quickly down the hallway, finding stairs and descending them to the front door.

I bursted through the door and began hogging down the sidewalk. A gust of cold wind caused me to shiver and I didn't have any form of protection against the cold.

I continued walking, remembering the route back to my house.

By the time I was half way there, a familiar black truck pulled up on the road next to me. The window rolled down slowly and Hunter appeared behind the wheel.

"Get in." He demanded but not bossily. I crossed my arms stubbornly and shook my head, walking forwards again.

"Kitten. It's freezing out. Get in the truck." He pointed out but I didn't want to let him win that easily.

Sure, I was absolutely freezing but I wasn't giving him the satisfaction of winning. Nuh-Uh!

"No. I said I was walking and that's what I'll do." I told him as calmly as possible and began to walk a little faster.

He kept slowly rolling up to my side with his truck, making me feel like he was gonna start asking me if I wanted candy.

I chuckled to myself at the thought.

"Get into the car. Now." His tone became harsh and I stopped in my tracks. Panic surged through me. Would he hurt me if I didn't get in? But I didn't want to get in.

He must not of noticed my reaction because he gritted his teeth and snapped again.

"Get. In. The. F*cking. Car. Now. Savannah." He growled furiously and I found myself running. I'm not exactly sure why, but my body jolted forwards as fear escalated quickly through my veins.

The rumbling of the car followed my steps but I saw my house in the slight distance.

I pushed my feet further, and eventually reached my front door. I looked behind me to see Hunter opening his truck door in the driveway. I squealed my slammed the door closed.

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