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Ethan's POV

I had to follow boss's orders.

He told me to give him the girl, so I would. If I had a say in it, I would say that we just f*ck up Hunter's house, because at least then someone innocent wouldn't be getting involved.

And now, here I am. Luring an innocent teenage girl into a death trap. And I knew what would happen to her. Torture, starvation, she would lose her trust in everyone, she would lose her piece of mind.

But, I needed the money to support my family out of poverty. This job payed well, if boss carried through with my promised $500,000 if I were to complete the mission with no troubles and no witnesses.

I knew he could give me more, but I wasn't about to complain. If I argued, I knew my salary would decrease until it was a mere $1. Or nothing at all.

So, I was doing it. I was leading Savannah away from the chaos of the cafeteria. No witnesses, perfect.

She seemed nervous, like she wanted to turn around and sprint away. But I had cat-like reflexes and if she tried anything, I would snatch her hand.

It's a shame such a pretty little face has to suffer such trauma.

Savannah's POV

The ball in the pit of my stomach didn't help my nervousness. And the fact that we had stopped in front of a janitors closet.

Ethan looked almost regretful and in one swift motion, he as covering a white cloth over my mouth and nose.

I breathed in and blackness soon took over.

Hunter's POV

(A/n sorry for switching POV so much.)

I knew that no good, suspicious nerd was up to something the moment I saw him talking to Savvy. And now, they both were no where to be found.

I frantically looked around to see if they just moved tables but no, they were gone.


Savvy wasn't in math either.

Call me a stalker, but I switched my aced hike to math her to make sure she wasn't being bothered by anyone else.


She never showed up to English.

Something was up.

I thought more about her on my way home from school. She wouldn't skip class, she cares too much about college to do that.

I even stopped by her house, but was greeted by her druken brother saying she never showed up, then threatening to call the cops if I didn't leave.

I even went as far as to check out first date spot, by the cliff in the forest, and she wasn't there.

So where the hell was she?!

I bet that Ethan dick had something to do with it.

Then it struck me.

My uncle.

I forgot about his at-the-time-meaningless threat that whenever I truly cared about something or someone, he would take it away. And he knew I would some day find the girl for me. Ethan must be working for that son of a b*tch. And now, they had my Kitten.

My initial reaction was to call the cops, but what would they do. I didn't have proof Ethan or my uncle had anything to do with savvy's disappearance.

So I had to take matters into my own hands.

And I only broke 3 bases in my house, a coffee table, and a window.

But, I needed to focus my anger on my uncle and finding Savannah.

My poor baby kitten. She was probably terrified right now.

And I couldn't stop her fear.

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