He's everywhere

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I lost my phone! Eek. Sorry it took so long to update, I eventually found it on the car floor in the backseat, I don't know how. But, anyways, I'm updating again so, don't kill me! 😘😘---Holly

Savannah's POV

Hunter made a swift movement to the back of the classroom. And I wasn't one to swear but, what the f*ck is he doing!

He stood stiffly in front of the desk next to me and jerked her neck to the left. The girl sitting there jumped out of her seat and scrambled to a different one.

I felt a pair of eyes resting on me through the whole period. I didn't have to look to know who it was.

When the bell rang, I had realized I hadn't said one word since the lesson began. And I knew why. What sucks, is that I had biology next, a class I share with Hunter.

When I reached the hallway, I felt a presence next to me. I looked over to see Ethan, with his usual shy smile. I almost smiled myself, but looked straight ahead again.


That one word sent a chill up my back. With all this dumb boy drama, I had totally forgotten about my Tiffany situation. And now, I was standing directly in front of her locker, making my way to biology.

I snarled silently and shifted to the right.

"Don't give me that look, nerd. You're still doing my homework tonight, right? Good. Now carry along with your pathetic life." She giggled and I felt anger boiling inside of me. I couldn't say anything back, I wouldn't stand up for myself any longer.

Instead, I ignored Tiffany and just glanced slightly at Ethan who was looking at me expectantly, as if waiting for me to say something back.

Lord no.

I walked across the hall to the biology door and opened it, finding people scattered across the seats, plenty still open. The teacher, Mr. Sylvester, was drumming his long frill fingers on the center of his oak desk. His thick glasses rested across the bridge of his nose and his gray hair was smooth against his tinkly skin.

The open computer screen illuminated light onto his already pale face, as the lights were dim.

"And he is...?" Ethan asked from beside me and we took seats next to each other in the center of the classroom.

"Mr.Sylvester. He's going deaf, so don't worry about getting caught talking. He's a calm ol' dude and barely teaches. Biology is more like an extra study hall." I explained in a hushed tone, even though the teacher could barely hear fireworks right in front of him.

As usual, Hunter stalked into the classroom 5 minutes late. His signature smirk plastered on his face.

I unintentionally shivered, as I did the last time I watched him walk into a classroom.

His eyes grazed over me and landed on an empty spot in the back.

He took his time walking to the back of the room, but the teacher didn't say a word, as usual.

As Hunter past my seat, his fingers brushed over my desk and shot back to his side, grazing my shoulder. I looked up at him and pulled off the best blank face I could, but I could feel my feelings evident on my face.


Lunch rolled around rather quickly and I took my usual seat in the corner. Ethan sat next to me and many others sat tables down. I poked and picked at my sandwich but I couldn't pull up even focus to eat anything.

My mind was full. It was fuzzy. It confused me.

One person that sat down at the table next to Ethan and I that caught my attention. Hunter.

He's everywhere I go.

Ethan must of noticed my tension because his hand was placed over mine and he squeezed it soothingly.

"Let's go somewhere more....private." He said and a glint of mischievous past over his eyes. Something settled wrong in my stomach. But, I was desperate to et away from the presence of Hunter. So I stood up, and followed Ethan.

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