#3 He Hits You Part 2

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-He hits you Part 2

JUSTIN: This night you slept on a hotel. You need to get new clothes, so you drive back to the house. You open the door and its dark in every room.

"Justin?" you cries, no answer.

"Justin?" you cries a little higher, no answer. You start to worry. You check every room, and when you come to the bedroom you see Justin laying in bed, sleeping. You carefully sit down on the bed, not want to wake him up. He got wet cheeks and bags under his eyes. You take his hand and he open his eyes. When he see you his eyes widen and he pull you to a tight hug.

"Babe, im so sorry. I was drunk and i wasn't thinking! I promise to never, ever do it again. Please forgive me?" he say and  look into your eyes. You smile.

"I forgive you, but if you do it again, im gone" you say and he kiss you all over your face.

"I love you Y/N"

"I love you to Justin"

NIALL: You sit a while on the bench and cry before you feel that someone sit down beside you. You look up and see a drunk old man. He smile sexy at you.

"Hey little girl, what are you doing here totally alone?" he ask and come closer to you. You start to get nervous.

"Um, i just needed some fresh air" you say as calm as you can.

"You can come home to my house and we can "talk about things" he say and take your hand. He hold it really tight and stand up. You try to get away, but he is to strong.

"Don't touch her" a familiar voice say. Both of you look to the direction the voice comes from. There your hero stand. Niall.

"Why should i?" the old man say, starting to get annoyed.

"Because if you don't i have to punch you, and im really not in a mood to hit another person today" Niall says and walk closer to the man. The man let go of your arm.

"Okay, calm down" he say and walk away. You attack Niall with a kiss and hug him tight.

"Im so sorry Y/N for that i did, i cant understand i hit the most beautiful girl in the world" he says and kiss your nose. What he says makes you blush.

"I forgive you Ni, you saved me, thank you so so so much" you say before you give him a passionate kiss.

Zayn: You havent seen Zayn in 3 hours and you start to worry. Could he be hurt? Your back hurt a little and when you look in the mirror you see some bruises. You touch one and it hurts really much.

"Y/N?" you hear Zayn ask. You turn around and he is standing there with watery eyes.

"D-Did i do that to y-you?" he ask and you nod. Tears start to fall down from his eyes.

"Babe im so so so sorry, im a dickhead. Please forgive me! Y/N i cant live without you!" he say and kiss your nose. You smile and nod.

"I forgive you"

"I love you Y/N"

"I love you too Zayn"

LIAM: You wake up because of the sun when when the sun shines through the window. You rubb your eyes and sit up. You remember what happened last night. You look down at your foot and it is swollen, just a little. You get up from the couch because you slept in the living room this night. You brush your hair when you hear Liam screaming your name from the bedroom. You walk up and see him scared as h*ll.

"Oh gosh, i thought you where gone. What happened to your foot?" he ask and look down at you swollen foot.

"You pushed me away a little bit to hard last night" you say and his eyes widen.

"I-I did t-that?" he ask and you nod.

"Baby, im so sorry! Im going to take care of you!" he apologize and lift you up and put you on bed. He put some ice on the foot and kiss you.

"Im so sorry Y/N, i love you"

"I love you to Liam"

HARRY (HIS POV): My hand go hard into her stomach and she go down on her knees holding her stomach. Harry, what have you done!? You know she is telling you the truth!

"Oh god, Y/N! Are you okay?!" i ask and sit down with her.

"Does it look like that?" she ask and laugh a little. i smile and kiss her forhead.

"Im sorry" she say.

"Its okay, i know that you are telling me the truth" i say and help her up.

"Good, because i do" she say before she kiss me. I love this girl.

LOUIS: "Oh god, babe, im so sorry!" he says and try to hug you but you just stand up and run to the bathroom and lock the door. You take a look in the mirror. Your cheek was red and you got mascara all over your cheeks. You wash your face and hear Louis talk.

"Y/N, im so sorry. I know that you didn't cheat on me because i know you so well that i know you wouldn't to such a thing. Please forgive me, or i have to kill myself. Because i cant live without my world. I love you"

It was so cute that you got new tears in your eyes. You open the door and just hug him. He hug you back and whisper sweet things in your ear.


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