Random Couple Moments

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JUSTIN: You just come home from a boring day. Nothing happened on your work today, so it was pretty boring. You open the door to your and your boyfriends home. You smile when you see the TV is on but Justin is sleeping in the couch. You take a pic and but it as your background, cute. Then you think that it would be fun to paint his nails. ^-^ So you go upstairs and search after your red nail polish. When you find it you go downstairs again and paint his nails carefully, not wanting to wake him up. When you are ready you go and take away all your make up and put on your tights and one of Justin's T-shirts. Then you kiss Justin's cheek and he slowly open his tired eyes. "Hi babe" you say trying to not laugh. "Nice nails" you say and start to laugh. First Justin just look at you with a "what are you talking about-look" but then he look on his nails and gasp. "Y/N you're in deep shit right now" he say and both of you start to run around in the house, and your day that was boring, wasn't boring anymore. :D

NIALL: It's soon christmas but no snow. Both of you really wanted it to snow but it never did. Now it's the night before christmas and no snow. Niall and you are sleeping in your king sized bed. "Y/N...babe...princess...darling" Niall whisper in your ear, making you slowly open your tired eyes. "Niall it's 5 in the morning, i want to sleep" you say and cuddle up to his chest. "But princess, it's snowing" he say and one the word "snowing" your eyes shoot up. "What!" you ask and stand up and look out through the window, and yes, ITS SNOWING! "Wanna go out?" Niall ask and you nod. So both of you run out and play in the snow, and that was the start of a wonderful christmas. ^-^

ZAYN: This was going to be your first tattoo, and Zayn, your husband, was going to get the same tattoo. The date you two met. You wanted it on your hand and Zayn wanted it on the same place. You where really nervous. "Zayn, i'm nervous" you say and look at Zayn with nervous eyes. "Boo, i'm going to sit here all the time and hold your hand, okay?" he say and smile to you. You nod and both of you walk out from the "tattoo place" with your best day in your lives wrote down on your hands. <3 

LIAM: "Daddy, what if i fail?" your 8 years old daughter ask your husband. She was going to preform a dance, ballet, totally alone. "Honey, your going to do great. But don't forget that its most important is that you have fun, okay?" he say and kiss her forehead. "Okay" she say and hug you and Liam. "I love you mummy and daddy" she say and run backstage to her dance teacher. "Come on, she is going to dance first" you say and take Liam's hand. You sit down and soon your daughter is coming out on stage and dancing wonderfully. "She is my little angel" you hear Liam say and you turn and look on him. You smile when you see a tear rolling from his eye. "Babe, are you crying?" you ask and kiss his lips. "But she is just so perfect" he say and look in your eyes with a smile. "I know Liam, i know" (':

HARRY: "Oh, look at that one, ohh, and this one is cute!" Harry say while both of you are in a shop, because you are going to buy a cat. "Harry, we cant take every cat" you say and kiss his cheek. He looks down before looking up on you with puppy face. "Babe, don't look at me like that" you say because you know he always win when he does like that. "But kitten, we can take two cats, one for you and one for me" he say and you giggle and then nod. "YES! I love you!" he say and kiss your lips. It ends with 2 momma and dadda cats and 8 cat-babies. But you wanted only 3 of them but who didn't want a kitty cat that lived in Harry Styles house? :P 

LOUIS: "Don't move" Louis say. Today he was making your make up. "Where do you but this?" he ask and hold up your mascara. "You decide" you say and smile when he put it on your eyebrows. "Almost done, DONE!" he say and look pleased on your face. "I'm good at this" he say and give you a mirror. "Oh...My...God" you say. Your face is brown/orange, you got lipstick as eyeshadow, mascara on your eyebrows and red eyeshadow on your cheeks. #I know, its good isn't it" Louis say and smile  proudly. "Hey Louis, i was trying to call you but you didn't answer so- AAHHH!" Harry scream when he see your face. "What the...?" he say again and you laugh. "Louis did my make up today, its nice, don't you think?" you ask and smile to Harry. "Umm" Harry say, still in a shock.


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