#7 You Tell Him You're Pregnant

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JUSTIN: You both lay in bed, watching a movie. You know you are pregnant, but you just don't know how to tell Justin. In the movie there is a mum, dad and a little baby. You hear Justin sigh and you look at him.

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, i just cant wait till the day when you tell me you're pregnant and that i'm going to be a father"

Your heart start to beat faster and you smile. You kiss him on the lips.

"Justin, i am pregnant"

His eyes widen. 

"Yo-You're pregnant!?" he ask and give you the biggest smile ever. You nod and he kiss you.

"I love you Y/N" he say and lay on top of you. He lift your shirt up a little and kiss your stomach.

"I love you to Baby Bieber"

NIALL: You sit on the floor in the toilet in your and Niall's house. You have been puking up every morning now in some days and you decided to buy a pregnancy test. You sit totally froze, you are pregnant. With a little Horan in your stomach. Niall is on work and are soon coming home. 'Is he going to leave me? How am i going to tell him?' you think and some tears roll down your cheek.

"Baby, why are you crying? Is something wrong?" you hear Niall's voice and you look up. There an angel stand, your beautiful leprechaun and your baby's daddy. Niall sit down on the floor and take your test out of your hands. He look at it and smile.

"Are you pregnant Princess?" he ask and look at you with happy eyes.

"Yes Ni, i'm pregnant and you are the father" you say and smile a little, taking away tears from your cheeks.

"Why are you crying then?! This is fantastic! I love you Y/N so so so much!" he say and kiss you all over your face.

"I love you so so so much too"

ZAYN: You sit on the bed in your and Zayn's bedroom, rubbing your stomach. Zayn's child is in there. Your child. A little Malik. Zayn doesn't know yet, but you are going to tell him today. You aren't nervous because you both tried to get a child but never succeed, but now you did! Zayn is down in the kitchen making you both food. You walk down to him and he smile when he see you.

"Hi babe" he say and kiss your nose.

"Hi daddy"

"What do you mean with 'Hi daddy'?" he ask and look at you.

"Zayn, i'm pregnant" He stop in his moves and look at you shocked. 

"Y-Y-You're pregnant?!" he ask and you nod. He smile really big and pick you and and spinning around, making you laugh.

"I love you so much Y/N!" He say and put you down. He give you a long kiss and put you down. 

"I love you to little baby" he say and kiss your stomach.

LIAM: You have been puking up everything you ate lately and Liam is starting to worry so he took you to the doctor. You both sit nervous in a white room, waiting for the doctor. Suddenly he comes in with a big smile on his face.

"Congratulations, you are pregnant" he say and Liam's eyes widen.

"You mean my baby is p-pregnant?" he ask and the doctor nod. Liam hug you and you hug him back.

"You're pregnant"

"I'm pregnant"

"I love you Y/N"

"I love you too Liam"

HARRY: Today Harry is coming home from a short 3 month tour. He doesn't know that you're pregnant but you are going to tell him today when he comes home. You cleaned up all day and take a long, warm shower. Then you get a text from Harry.

"Hi baby, i'm home soon. The plane has arrived and i'm home in 5 minutes. I love you <3"

You start to get nervous and you drink some water. 'What is he going to say, is he going to be happy, angry, sad?' you think and then you hear the door open. You turn around and see Harry. You jump up in his arms and you both hug each other a long time. 

"I missed you so much kitten" he whisper in you ear.

"I missed you to, and i got a surprise!" you say and he put you down. You take a deep breath.

"Haz, i'm pregnant" you say and he kiss you all over your face.

"I love you both so much! I love you, i love you, i love you! Thank you so much Y/N!"

LOUIS: Louis sit and play with Tommy, your 2 years old son, in the living room. Then Tommy yawn and Louis chuckle.

"Are you tired little man?" he ask and Tommy nod. Louis lift him up and put Tommy down in his bed. 

"Take a little nap then love, good night"

"Gwood nwight daddy" Tommy say and fall asleep. You hug Louis from his side.

"I want another one, he is growing up so fast" Louis say and you laugh.

"Lou, i'm pregnant"

"I love you Y/N" he say and kiss you. He put his hands over your stomach.

"I love my whole family" he say and kiss you again.


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