He calls you on the night 6/6

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HARRY: It's night and you are asleep. Suddenly your phone start to ring, Harry. "Haz, why are you calling, it's night!" you say and hear someone chuckle. "This is Niall, i'm calling with Harry's phone because i thought you wouldn't pick up, but i want you to hear something" he say. "Y/N" you hear Harry say. "Harry?" "He is talking about you in his sleep" Niall then whispers and you giggle a little. "Cute, can you tell him to call me as fast as he wake up?" you ask and Niall say yes. You fall asleep with a smile on your lips.

LOUIS: You and Louis are sleeping when he get up to go and make some tea to himself because he can't sleep. He go and suddenly your phone start to ring. You pick it up and sigh when you see it's Louis who is calling you. "Louis, why are you calling, we are in the same house?!" you ask. "I forgot to ask if you want tea to and i'm too tired to walk up again and ask you, so you want tea?" he ask makes you laugh. "Yeah, i can take some tea"

Okay, i understand if you din't like this "series" because i dind't but, i'm tired -_- LOVE YOU!!!!! <333


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