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   John loved visiting Houston. He got to see Dave, a few Houston sights, and of course the warm weather was a nice change. But on top of that, one thing managed to overrule everything else. Bro Strider. How fortunate that after only two months away from his best bro, John stands in the Houston airport, waiting after his bags to come off the conveyor belt. Out of the corner of his eye was a red and white blur, walking not-so-coolly over to him. The red-eyed Strider could attempt to be chill for this, and even though this was his sixth time seeing his very best friend,  he couldn't hold back the big grin playing across his lips, or the constant adjusting of his shades, rubbing his hands together in anticipation, or fixing his shirt. He was too damn excited.

   John had pretended not to notice this, or any of it. He continued to stare into the moving piles of luggage, waiting for his own blue suitcase, and biting back the grin he was just dying to let loose. He reached up to fix his glasses which were sliding off his nose (damn that Texas heat) when all of a sudden a thin, long arm swooped around his shoulder and yanked him back, into an awkwardly positioned backwards hug. Dave ruffled up John's hair and laughed, turning him around finally to give a normal hug. And along came the classic "I missed you dude" "Glad to have you back" "Watch out when you get to my place, you know how Bro is" and by that, John knew very well that he meant "Don't talk to Bro, you're my best friend not his". 

   Dave wasn't necessarily the jealous type, but when it came to the man he envied and learned so much from, he had to have John to himself. Which was terribly unfortunate because, well, this isnt called Bro/John for nothing. From the first  visit to the last, John had loved everything about Bro. From the snarky sarcastic attitude to the soft big brother personality he managed to hide so well, Bro was everything a guy like John could want. As Dave continued his warning about the elder Strider, John was brought back to his second visit to Houston, when he had witnessed Bro coming inside after a strife with Dave. 

   Bro had walked inside the apartment, leaving Dave up on the roof to catch his breath after yet another loss. He stepped in through the front door, his thin white polo shirt sticking to his chest with sweat, further defining each and every muscle on Bro's upper half. As sappy as it sounds, Bro looked like a tall statue, perfectly carved and chiseled in all the right places. The details shown through his sweat-soaked shirt were impeccable, giving John a preview of something he'd see again on what would be his sixth visit. Which is conveniently the one in which this story takes place. 

   With an elbow to the stomach, John was yanked back into reality. He frowned and huffed, like the little baby he was, and folded his arms. 

   "What was that for?" He looked down at Dave which was surprisingly the shorter of the two, at a measly 5'6", whereas John stood up at 5'8". Not too much of a difference, but enough to stir up silly arguments between the friends. Dave had originally prided himself in his height over John but after an unfortunate 13 year old growth spurt, he was forever the shorter one.

   "You were staring into space while I was talking to you, didn't even answer my question." While John looked bratty and sassy, Dave was pouting with his hands stuffed into his pockets. 

   "Oh, what'd you ask?" Cue a classic Strider eyeroll (hidden by shades of course).

   "I said that as soon as I drop you off, I'm going shopping. What do you want to eat?"

   "Dude, you know what I love. Oh, if you find any ecto-coolers, you better buy them! I'm going home if I find out you saw some and decided you didn't need them." He delivered a friendly Punch to The Shoulder when Dave rolled his eyes. John has a secret sixth sense for Striders and eye-rolling, despite any shades.

Hey wow! I think that was a gr8 beginning to my Bro/John. Anyway on a side note, thank you all for reading this stuff! It means a lot. I've gone back since originally writing this to edit it a bit. None of the information as been changed, only revisions and little spots where I felt I was denying you all of decent writing. 

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