I Can't Believe I Did that

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   Wow, what a view to wake up to. The silhouette of a big, hat wearing Strider. He's glowing, face framed so perfectly by the outline of those shades of his. John shifts around on the couch, briefly considering reaching his arms up to wrap around the man's shoulders and pull him down in a sweet kiss. This dream was not over, John wouldn't have it. But it's too late. That glow surrounding the man of his dreams was the sunlight, shining between the shutters that hung over the window. What once might've been a sleepy smile across John's lips was now becoming a frown. A very disappointed frown.

   John finally sat up after another grumpy remark from the Strider, stretching his arms out and shutting his eyes tightly to block out the sun. His lips parted for a quick mumble for his glasses, or maybe for Bro to kick the sun out. His arms fell back down to his sides, one reaching out to pat around the coffee table for his glasses. But in order to do that, he might have to find the coffee table itself. One arm goes up to shield his eyes, while the other swings around the area in search of the wood surface. 

   Well boy does he find something else. His hand falls on something softer, more fabric-like and soft. He curves his fingers around what he feels, lips quirking to the side in a confused frown. After a soft squeeze, he hears a surprised little grunt from above as a hand takes his wrist and pulls it away. John peeks out from behind his arm, and all he sees within his arm's reach is a pair of strong, wide hips. He avoids any and all thoughts of the possibility that there might've been some unintentional dick-grabbing just now, quickly changing the unspoken topic. 

   "What time is it?" The words slip from John's mouth in a slurred fashion, exhaustion dripping from each syllable as his hand tugged away from Bro's to rub at his eyes. A shadow stood in front of the window, offering some relief to John's eyes. Both of his hands dropped, one reaching out to snatch his glasses up and slide them on. 

   "Morning. Come on, ya got work to do." John could practically hear the smirk across Bro's lips as he spoke. He slipped off of the couch to stand up, rubbing his eyes one last time beneath the clear lenses of his glasses, before making his way slowly back into the office he had been introduced to the night before. 

A/N   This is super short, but I need to do something and I'm eager to post this new chapter. Thank you all for sticking with me throughout my inconsistent updates, there will be more, hopefully as soon as I can get them. I'll try to get as many in as I can before school starts back up, so get ready for a little BroJohn marathon! 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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