Smuppet Boxers?

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   After a half hour long drive of loud music and catching up, Dave and John finally arrived at the infamous Strider Household. Dave helped John carry up his bags, dumping them by the couch as usual. With a small wave and another hug, Dave was gone, leaving John alone in the living room. He flopped down on the couch with a sigh, happy to finally be back in one of his favorite places. 

   He heard a faint shuffling noise in the distance, and a deep sigh, followed by a groggy little groan. Johns electric blue eyes flickered towards the dark hallway, where a sleepy, pantless Bro emerged. He stretched, and as his hands came back down to earth, he slipped on a pair of anime shades. John recognized these immediately. After a bit more shuffling, Bro found himself at the end of the hallway, in the presence of the common Strider visiter, who was fully clothed, unlike himself. He paused at this sight, made a few incoherent grumbly noises, and nodded, grunting out a greeting. 

   John returned the greeting with a similar noise, not giving much of a second glance at the..smuppet boxers? Well that's a surprise, and a second glance may have been necessary, but he managed to refrain anyway. Smuppet patterns aside, this was a relatively normal sight for John. While John was distracted by the thoughts of weird puppets and Bro's boxers, the elder Strider had already made his way to the couch.  John was startled from his thoughts by a large mass suddenly sinking into the couch cushion beside him.

Bro looked to the side and yawned, a few coherent words finally escaping his lips. "Wha' time is it?"

John replied with a roll of his eyes and a smile "It's a  quarter past three, sleeping beauty." Yet another thing John was used to, Bro's awkward schedules. John would wake up in the middle of the night to wander around the apartment, and would end up finding Bro rearranging the fridge swords or something. The first night he stayed was really weird, to say the least.

   Bro nodded back at him and yawned, reaching under his shades to rub his eyes. "Dave left?" Another nod, from John this time. Bro didn't respond much, other then a small "Mm" as his eyes falling to the TV ahead of them. The room quickly got quiet as the conversation died. 

   John shifted around uncomfortably in the silence, stealing a few fleeting glances at Bro. Bro on the other hand seemed to have fallen back asleep, soft snores coming from his direction to break through the silence. John sighed, but took a moment  to slide himself bit closer. He sighed again  and dropped his head on the back cushion, this was stupid. As stupid as it was, he rolled his head to the side, dropping onto Bro's shoulder. Stupid, but nice.  So nice, that the exhaustion from his trip to Houston finally caught up with him, and he fell asleep right there, on Bro's shoulder. 

Hey! God it's been forever since I updated, but I'm glad I finally did. Took me an hour to write this shit but hey, I tried. I'm sorry it's not incredibly interesting, I've been hit with a severe case of writer's block. BUT I think the little ending made up for it. As always, PLEASE leave some suggestions, I'd love to know what you guys think I should do with the story. I'll probably use half your ideas anyway because I cant write for shit. Anyway, thanks for reading! 

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