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   John stared at Bro with wide eyes. How the hell was he supposed to pay off the AC damages? He killed the poor thing, and sure it was only the right thing to do in it's memory, but John didn't have money. The most his wallet had held since he bought the plane ticket to get down to Houston was a penny and an old button, yet Bro somehow expected a couple hundred bucks from him. 
   "I bet you're wondering how you'll pay this off. Well, really I am still paying for it, but you are too. With work. You know about, right?"
   Dave's jaw dropped, and John stared in confusion. "Uh..No?  What business?" Whatever business it was, it couldn't be terrible. He'd be working with Bro, and, well that couldn't ever be terrible. 

   "Well you see, John, I Smuppets. You know, I mean, of course you do. They're everywhere around here. But you see John, on top of selling them, I make them, I ship them, I buy the materials for them. So you get the lucky task of being my assistant for the time that you're here. You'll do what I say, and get me what I need, and in turn the money you make from working goes to the AC."

   Well, that didn't sound terrible. John didn't mind that at all. Extended time with Bro, and all he had to do was make a couple of kids toys for him. Gosh, Bro was such a sweet guy. So John thought, at least. Though he was awfully confused as to why Dave was giving Bro the most disgusted "Im so fucking done with you" look.  What could be so bad about this? Dave was probably just being a jealous little brother or something. He'd get over it.
   While John was naive over the situation, assuming that he'd be working with Bro and it'd all be fun and games, Dave was well aware of what Bro was making him do. And it. was. disgusting. His big brother was going to force his best friend to make creepy puppet sex toys? What a fucking creep! You can't do that. Now if Dave wasn't so much smaller than Bro, he would totally give him a very stern scolding and even a slap on the cheek. It was so painfully obvious that Bro was doing this not only to FLIRT with John, (once again, Daves best friend!!) but also to spite Dave! They really don't make brothers like they used to.
   "Alright, Dave, go to bed, John, come on with me. I'll show you a bit of what we've got going on here and then we'll stop for the night, and start up tomorrow. Better get some good sleep too, cause I start early." Bro smirked at both the boys, recieving an innocent smile from one, and a death glare from the other.
   "You can't tell me to go to bed, I'm not 6 years old anymore! And- UGH, since WHEN did you wake up early for the sole purpose of working?! Who are you, and what have you done with my brother?!" If you've ever seen that one picture of Dave making that really confused and horrified face, well, he's making that one here. Probably less exaggerated though, I'll probably put it in the title or whatever.  
   Bro glared down at his younger counterpart and folded his arms, "I'll tell you to go to bed if I god damn want to.  I hate to put a mom on you, but under my apartment, you're under my rules. Now, go. to. bed. David." Even Bro couldn't maintain the angry dad look as he brought out the full first name. The corners of his lips twitched to a sort-of smile that only Dave could see. "Don't you make me count to 3, young man." 
   John too couldn't help but crack a smile, or much more, to the point that he had to cover his mouth to hide it. But what it didn't hide was the smile in his eyes and flush of his cheeks. Dave looked downright humiliated, the poor kid, but stood up and stomped out of the room, muttering a quick goodnight to John. 
   As soon as Dave was out of the room, Bro turned to look at John. Wordlessly, he held his hand out to John, which he took gladly, and pulled him up to a standing position. Now Bro wouldn't admit it to anyone, but the touch of these baby-soft hands made him downright giddy. Not as giddy as it made John, but giddy nonetheless. He couldn't deny even to himself that John was...well, he was adorable. Cute, nice hair, damn nice body, and not to mention a total twink. Dave had really hit the jackpot and it was killing Bro. With every annual visit from John, it was a constant struggle of trying not to stare at that hot ass.  Like a 12 year old girl almost, Bro was constantly deciding whether or not to go talk to him or just observe from a distance. From John's smile to his messy hair, the kid was perfect. Beyond, even. And while there was QUITE the age difference, Bro could not help himself any longer.
   He had conducted a plan over the time that John was gone from the last time he had visited, and this whole AC unit fiasco was the perfect way to set it into place! He would keep John away from Dave for long enough to both piss Dave off, and get some alone time with John, and through time, romantic escapades of sorts would take place. With Bro's mastermind and John's clumsiness, the plan was solid. 100%. It was perfect. So he took Johns hand and pulled him along, leading him to a room down at the end of the hallway. When he opened the door, light from the hall and living room flooded in to show an unlit office type room.
   It had a three desks, each with their own chair, and fabric strewn across the floor. Pins and needles sat stabbed into soft fabric tomatoes on each desk, pictures and patterns were pinned to the wall, and a couple smuppets sat about the room. On top of one of the desks was a large box, labeled FRAGILE. Bro flicked on the light switch and walked forward, closing the door once John was inside with him. He sat John down at one of the desks, and took a seat at the one beside him. 

   "Alright, so here's the deal. I've got this computer here, and there's one on your desk too if you didn't notice. It serves as a work computer of sorts, and that's where you'll see all the specific orders that need to be fulfilled. You'll be doing the simple ones, but maybe if you prove that you're better later, I can get you working on a couple of the vibrating ones." Bro explained as if this was normal for him, and John realized that Dave had probably gone through this same talk. And also, what the heck? Why would a kid need a vibrating toy? Thats not what kids need. 
   "So that box over there is full of the silicon that goes inside, don't worry about it, but I'm just letting you know. It's already specifically shaped to the types of smuppets we have, and you'll be sorting them tomorrow morning. After that, I'll teach you how to start sewing it all together. Sound good?" Bro looked at John, who seemed to have zoned out. Bro followed John's gaze, which seemed to be focused on his chest. Why was John staring at his chest? Was that a good sign? Bro chose to say that yes, it was. He reached out and snapped his fingers in John's face, catching his attention. John's face lit up with a bright red tint as he sat up straight, eyes darting anywhere that wasn't at Bro.
   "Sorry, sorry..I was um... I was daydreaming. I mean, I was thinking about tomorrow. I was paying a lot of attention to you! Sorry." Bro grinned to himself and pointed towards the door.

   "It's fine, now get going. You probably need sleep. I mean, judging by how you fell asleep on me earlier." John got very tense at that remark and shoved his hands in his lap, looking frantically at the floor. 
   "Oh. Uh. Shit. Sorry. I didn't mean to I just- Ugh, goodnight." He stood up quickly and rushed out of the room, making his way back to the couch. Tomorrow was going to be a long, long day.

   A/N Helloooo, Have I ever mentioned how much of a sucker i am for your guys' comments? I absolutely love reading what you have to say. It makes me so happy and it really makes me wanna update. You're all such sweet people!! I love you guys. Anyway, here's another update. I'm really considering making a lemon chapter. But don't worry, it'll be totally optional. If it even happens. Do you guys even want one? I'm sorta nervous about making one but, hey, yolo right? Haha. Anyway, hope you liked this chapter. And also, would you believe that I do not have any set-out plotline for this? Im completely bullshitting my way through this entire fanfic, yet you guys love it. Now that's what I call bs. Lol, love you guys. I hope youre having a great day!! Byeeee.

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