chapter 2

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"So when is Alpha Connor coming?" I ask Oliver, leaning over the kitchen counter.
The kitchen is spacious and spotless, the kitchen sides are white with black speckled onto it, the cabinets are a stormy grey wood and a breakfast bar that spreads across the kitchen to the open glass doors leading to the back yard.
The walls give off a bright and wide look with being tilled and a pale, faded green wallpaper, and the floors are a nice brown marble.
Oliver wanted to cook me breakfast, since I wouldn't get out of bed otherwise. Bribery at its finest if you asked me.
"Tomorrow. So, I expect you to be out of sight." He warns, his tone sharp. I pull my tongue out to the back of his abnormally large head.
It wasn't that I minded that Oliver wants me out of sight, but, the pieces didn't fit together. 
"Why do I have to stay out of sight?" I question. Oliver's back stiffened and his grip on the frying pan had turned his knuckles a ghostly white.
"I don't trust him, and neither should you." His words was like ice, striking into my heart.
Biting my tongue, knowing it wouldn't help the situation, I dropped the topic. "What's for breakfast bro?" I ask changing the subject. "what do you think?" I grin. "Blueberry pancakes?" I exclaim. My lips spring up into a smile at the thought.
They are my all time favourite. No matter what mood I'm in, blueberry pancakes put me in my best mood.
To answer my guess, Oliver places a plate of steaming hot blueberry pancakes in front of me.
The steam blazing up to fog up my eyesight.
Squealing, I take the plate, grab a knife and fork, and sit down at the breakfast bar, cutting into my delicious food straight away. 
The golden heavenly treats sprinkled with deep sea blue dots stared up at me, pleading me to eat them.
"Slow down." Oliver chuckles, his eyes darting from my plate to my food stuffed mouth. I shrug and shove half a pancake into my mouth.

"Hey guys." Oliver's beta, Rory enters the kitchen. His brown locks are side swept showing off his razor sharp cheekbones, but his eyes was what stood out most. They was a vibrant opal that swirled with golden freckles. They loomed over Oliver and I like an owl.
"What's wrong?" Oliver interrogates him, jumping to conclusions. His eyes widening, knife and folk paused half way to his mouth, like a robot having its batteries yanked out.
"Nothing," Rory assures him, his button nose twitching. "We'll talk later." Rory tells Oliver with a knowing look.
He stands next to Oliver, leaning against the kitchen counter, watching me eat like a hawk.
It made me want to squirm under his gaze. The tension in the room suffocating, nails digging into my lungs preventing me from grasping a comfortable set of air.
Shaking my awkwardness away, I stuff the last piece of pancakes down my throat and jump up.
"Thanks, Apple jack." I put my plate into the enormous glass sink and take my leave, saluting as I skip out.
Once out of the room I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. I shake the feeling off, like a trace of dirt you just can't reach to brush off yourself.
Whatever Rory had to report it had to be serious. If only I knew what it was.

I found myself in the games room. Legs sprawled out on the smooth charcoal leather couch, a quirky little coffee table sitting in front of me containing my phone.
But my attention was on the television in front of me, stocked with the latest of technology. Ps4, Xbox one and hidden at the back a Wii U.
Music flowed through the room from my juke box, a set of various colours dancing along the wooden side of the pool table making a beautiful picture. The vending machine stood tall and proud in the right corner of the room, next to a glamorous, glistening mini bar which was stocked with the finest of beverages.
To my left was a slim, towering bookshelf, except the books was a range of videos games instead.
It was my private heaven, specially designed for my own personal pleasure.
Black pops up on the screen, one word on the screen in bright cherry red letters spelling 'Netflix'.
Grinning from ear to ear I start to flick through the diverse pick of movies.

"You've got to be kidding me!" My brother's voice booms through the house. It knocked me off the couch, pushing me to land of the floor with a hard thud
"What are you doing here?" Oliver asks someone, a growl rippling through the air. It shakes the walls around me, his tone laced with venom.
"Sorry we're early," A deep, husky voice speaks.
My knees buckle at the sound, my heart tightening, not to mention how dry my mouth suddenly became.
I drop my ear to the floor, straining to listen more.
'Alice stay upstairs.' Oliver speaks to me through a telepathic link, a connection all packs are gifted with. 'Why? Who's here?' I pipe up, firing questions at him.
But my thoughts was elsewhere, all I really wanted to know was who's voice that belonged to.
'Their early.' Realisation dawned on me like the sun. Hold the horses and hand out some tea.
The Nightwalker Pack are here? But they wasn't due for another 24 hours at least, now they are perched in the entrance hall?
'I'm in the games room.' I tell Oliver, silently praying to remain in here, hiding out and playing some games. 'Okay, stay out till Rory or I come and retrieve you.' He commands.
'Yes sir.' I imagine myself saluting, pushing it towards Oliver's connection. I'll feel his presence slip from my mind, as if he closed a door between us in my mind.
Plopping down onto the sofa, I snatch my laptop off the table and start it up. My 'spotify' comes up instantly. Smirking I click the shuffle button, music blasting from the speakers. Time for a concert.
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy begins to play. Jumping up on the sofa, I start to rock out. Dancing and jumping around on the sofa. Spinning around, I jump off the sofa and do a power slide.

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