Chapter 7

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A/n sorry bout the swearing in the song! So if you don't like swearing I suggest not playing it.

'What's going on Rory?' I ask through the mind link, hoping to find out what was so important. But after half an hour and not getting an answer back I give up. Taya sent me a smirk. "Worried?" She asks. I nod, is that so bad? Oliver could be with him! Something could have happened to them! "Why don't we go for a walk and take your mind of it then?" She suggests. It wouldn't hurt I guess.
We walk down the hallway. I wasn't really paying attention which direction she was taking me, so I was surprised when we stopped in front of Connors bedroom door. "What are we doing here?" She sends me a wicked grin, I knew it only meant trouble. She pulls out a small, metal box and opens it. Long, needle like sticks, all collected in this one box. De takes one and starts to fiddle with the lock. A couple seconds later I hear the 'click' of the lock and the door swings open. Connors scent fills the room, but it's different in some way. Weaker and a different scent mixes with it, more minty and musky. "Okay, I'll take the desk, you can take the wardrobe." Taya winks at me, causing me to roll my eyes. "Assbut," I mumble under my breath. "Bitch!" She snaps back. "Jerk!" We glare at each other for a few seconds before laughing. "Idjits aren't we?" Taya nods.
I quietly open the brown wardrobe. Quests don't get walk in wardrobes whereas the pack. His clothes sting of the second scent in this room, one which I'm not exactly attracted to. Is it another girl? Is he with someone else? I grit my teeth and search through the piled clothes. But I turn up empty handed. I sigh and shut the doors, hopefully Taya will have something. "Why doe he have this?" Taya says questioningly. I walk over to her and see a bottle in her hand. A clear bottle with a black liquid inside. "What the hell is that?" Taya shrugs and sniffs it. "Smell it!" He eyes are furious but still confused. I take the bottle and put it to my nose, taking a sniff. It explained everything. Why there was two scents in here, why I'm not attracted to one of them. This was designed for me to fall for. It's like he made my mates scent! "I'm going to kill him!" I growl and shove the bottle into my pocket. "He's made my mates scent and put it in a bottle and hiding his real scent! Who does that?" Taya takes a step forward. "Calm down before Oliver hears you." I didn't care anymore. He lied to me. "He might be your mate and there might be a perfectly normal reason he's here." Taya was probably expecting me to agree with her, instead I laugh. A loud, crackling laugh. "When is anything ever normal?" I grit my teeth and stomp out. I might not tell Connor I found this straight away. I need to figure this all out, before I go in guns blazing. But If he hasn't got his scent then he can't pretend anymore can he? He can't make me want to tell him all my secrets or share my life with him. It's going to be one hell of a day tomorrow, and I can't wait.

The whole day I stayed locked in my room. I didn't think I was hurt by this, more angry than upset but it was a lie. My cheeks streaked with dry tears. Oliver and Rory hadn't come back yet - or so I thought - and I'm getting worried. Why hadn't Rory answered me? And what was with his behaviour earlier today? He's never open like that, ever. So why? And where has Oliver been since he saw me after we went to the mall? Ugh, why is everything so confusing? Why can't it be simple. Why can't Connor be my mate - properly - and why can't Oliver accept it, and why do I have to be worried about Rory when he's a beta. I want to scream and throw a brick at someone's face, but I can't. So instead I decide to go to the games room and shoot a load of people on gta. I was half way running people over with my car and trying to get away from the cops when I heard the door to my room creak open. I pause the game and tilt my head backwards to see who it is. "Rory!" I shout, loudly than I attended to. Relief filled me, it soon turned into anger. He didn't answer me. "What didn't you answer me? Huh? I thought you and Oliver might be In trouble! You didn't even tell me or Taya where you was going and we was extremely worried." I rant on, not noticing his chuckles. "Alice, me and Oliver are fine. We was just taking care of a couple rogues." Rory stiffens. "Alpha Oliver, I mean." He looks down as if he did something wrong and is about to be scowled. "Rory you don't have to call him alpha Connor all the time. It's like me calling you beta Rory, it's just not how this pack works." That caught his attention, his eyes connected with mine. "You're supposed to call me beta Rory though," I shake my head. "You not getting it princess? This pack Isn't just a pack it's a family and we don't use stupid titles." Rory looks shell-shocked, I don't normally show that much disrespect towards him or Oliver. But it had to be said. "Sometimes I wonder why you don't want to be a leader Alice. You talk like you could run this pack but you pretend that you didn't speak." I ponder on his words. Is that true? I'd never really wanted to run a pack, mainly by the fact I wanted to live a normal life. But then again what did I say to Taya earlier? When is anything ever normal? But I couldn't run this pack, it's absurd. "That's not true. Being an alpha is harder than a speak, I've never even met any of the other pack alphas around and never once been to a meeting. I'd crumble, Oliver is the alpha out of us two. He's always has been..." I cover my mouth and look away. What am I even doing talking about being a alpha with Rory? Rory leaned against the door frame again and fiddled with his fingers. "Im sorry..." he started but I didn't let him finish. "There's no need to apologise Rory." I glance at the clock and see its 11:54pm. Rory checks the time as well, and sighs. "You need to get some sleep, orders from alpha." I huff and switch my game off and stand. "Fine, but this doesn't mean I'm still not in the mood to punch something," I go to pass Rory but he grabs my arm. "You want to punch something? Follow me." He lets go of my arm and starts to move out of the doorway. I question what he means but my curiosity got the better of me. Plus if I get to hit Rory it'd be like the old days, when he was teaching me to protect myself.
Rory leads me out into the training area, we passed the back yard and walked till we was at the bottom of the field. Rory switches the lights on and the rooms comes to light. White round walls, and a open window at the top, the walls are decorated with climbing frames and fake trees and targets, a mat sits near edge of the room for hand to hand combat. We possessed a few guns and crossbows, even knifes but they aren't used due to us never fighting out of wolf form. The only downfall is not having the music on. "Rory..." he stops and sighs. "It's late." I huff and stomp my foot. "No one will hear from all the way over there!" I point back towards the pack house. Rory turns to me and I see he's at war with himself. He looks down and nods. "Fine but don't put it on loud," I squeal and run towards the control pad that is by the wall next to the weapons door. I look through all the music and almost scream, Oliver had added the new sleeping with sirens album, madness. I flicked through all the songs till I realised what it was I wanted to hit someone because of. I picked 'Kick Me' and the sound blasted through the arena. Rory raises an eyebrow. "Really?" I nod, and jog over to him. "So what do I get to hit?" I ask. He smirks, taking me by surprise. I wasn't exactly expecting his hand to come flying towards my cheek, but thankfully I ducked and his knuckles just grazed my cheekbone. "Oh, I see how it is." I get in fighting stance, Rory mirroring me. He goes to kick me stomach and I punch his foot away. I got to swing a punch and he ducks and launches at my stomach, pushing me to the floor. I growl and spin us over quickly, before he got my feet and hands held down. To he was surprised would be an understatement, he wasn't expecting that. I also wasn't expecting him to roll us over again, damn him and his strength! This time he manages to hold my hands down but leaves one of my legs free. I hold back the smirk that wanted to show. "Looks like you need more training," I raised an eyebrow. "Looks like you shouldn't lean your weak spot open." Rory tilts his head. I lift my free knee up and hit his 'sensitive area'. He groans and I push him off me and jump up. I run over towards the fake trees and hide. Might as well have a game of hide and punch. A game he made up years ago to make training fun. "Hide and punch? Really Alice? I guess some thing don't change." I cover my mouth and duck down. He'll find me put knowing his moves he will punch for my face, thinking I'm stood up. He does as I expected and swings his fist at the air where my head once was. I laugh and punch his thigh. He grunts and I bolt. I find myself trapped at the climbing frame. I shrug and start to climb. The frame goes around the top of the trees and towards the window the high you go, it's a spiral or twists and turns built to confuse you, to trick your mind and make you fall. I got half way up and could feel my arms aching, I'm not use to this as much as the others are. "I could of so hard you then!" Rory groans starting to climb. I laugh. "What a shame!" (If you get that quote I swear you are my new favourite person) Rory rolls his eyes and tries to catch up with me. Even though my arms burn, I was always good at the climbing frame, it was one of my best qualities whilst training. "Hey Rory remember when I raced you to the top?" I ask recalling the memory. "I remember your brother biting my ear off for letting up that high," I frown. "Why must you remember the bad memories?" I paused to look down at him, he was only a couple of bars down. He climbed the last few bars, standing beside me, before answering. "Because you always remember the good ones," I tilt my head. What did that mean? "Plus, bad memories are what shape us so I like to remember what makes me who I am." Rory looks distant, like he's remembering something. I let him thing and twist myself so I'm heading for the top. He spins realises I'm cheating and going to win getting to the top. "Slow down!" He yells. I shake my head. "No way slowpoke."
I got there first and sat on one of the bars whilst holding onto a bar in front of me, my back leaning against another one for support. It took Rory a couple more minutes before he finally joined me. "I won," I state and and smirk. "I lost, I know." He pulls his tongue out at me. "Something's never change." I quote what he said about fifth teen minutes ago. He looks at me with a 'seriously' look. I shrug and look out the roof to the stars. "Want to race back down?" Rory nodded. "You're on."

Who's proud that I updated twice in a day? Yeah I thought you guys deserved it with the long wait. I'm pretty happy with this one cause it's both entertaining but also reveals a little about what's happening. But I though hey why not get to know my readers more? I was kinda curious as to where all my readers are from? I'm from England which is why I probably say some English stuff at times... But yeah so comment!

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