Chapter 17 ~ Alice

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"Do you think we should call Oliver?" Rory asks holding his phone. It had been two days since I last heard from Oliver, even though I was worried, Rory and Connor have been keeping me on my toes. "When was the last time he checked in? This isn't like him. What if something bad has happened?" Rory sounded stressed, panicked... Concerned. "Rory calm down! Just ring him." My voice trembled slightly but I covered it with a cough. I was worried something had indeed happened, I just didn't want to accept that fact maybe he was in trouble. My big brother, who always fought the monsters under my bed and played princesses with me, might be in danger. "Alice?" Rory broke my trail of thoughts by sliding his hands down my arms to hold my hands. "I'll ring him now, I'm sure it's just been busy there and he hasn't had time to check in, okay?" I nodded and Rory kissed my forehead. Connor had taken a run with his pack for a while so me and Rory was alone in the house. "Okay." Rory left me by the kitchen sink (TØP fans im sorry 😂) and I finished doing what I originally planned; the dishes.
A minute later Rory walked in looking pale. "Rory what's wrong?" He didn't answer, just placed his phone on the counter and stood there. "Rory?" He seemed, sick, ashen. "He didn't answer alice. He always answers." My heart stopped. What's happened? "I have to go see him! Make sure he's okay-" I started to push past Rory and head to my room but he grabbed my arm. "You're not going anywhere near that place." I scoffed. "Like hell I'm not. My brother is there and could be in danger and you want me to do what? Sit here twiddling my thumbs?" Rory turned me round to face him. "I don't want you hurt." His eyes held something different, something I'd never seen before. Was it love? I'd seen family love but never from someone i truly cared for. I could see it, the fear of losing me, the pain it would cause. I gave in and wrapped my arms around his waist. Rory tightened his grip on me. "I can't lose him Rory, he's all I have left." He's my brother and I'd been broken without him. "I'll go see him, you stay here and watch Connor." The thought made my heart ache. I couldn't be without Rory. I tilted my head back to look up into his piercing eyes, the sun caught his cheek perfectly, creating a shadow over half or Rory's face but lighting the other and intensifying his jaw line. I moved down to his lips, a perfect pink and soft. My heart beat out of my chest. His lips connected with mine and it set fireworks off in my stomach. Rory's hand moved to my lower back, just above my bum. I gripped his hair and started to yank at it, earning a quiet moan from Rory. The kissed turned more hungry, lustful. He pulled me up onto the counter without breaking the kiss. He started to kiss down my jaw to my collarbone. I groaned as he found my sweet spot just in between my ear and crook of my neck. He attacked it with his tongue as his hand reached up my shirt. I groaned as he left trails down my neck towards my lips again. "Alice.." He says breathlessly, pulling away from me. "Not when your brother doesn't even know about us," a smile spread across my face as he said 'us'. "We can still make out though right?" I asked biting my lip. "I don't know, depends if you can beat me to my room.." We stared at each other for two seconds before pouncing up the stairs, shoving each other and banging the walls.

Once we got to the door Rory was just ahead of me, so is started to whimper. Rory spun around in a flash and was by my side holding my cheek. "What's wrong? What happened? Where does it hurt?" He started to search for any visible scratches on my body. Of course there wasn't any, I just wanted to win. I pointed to my ankle. Once he bent down to take a look, I sprinted to his bedroom and slammed the door. "I won!" I declared as I jumped around and started to do a happy dance. He burst in and growled. "You cheated!" He looked so childish, stood there in a strop because I beat him at a game. I laughed and fell back onto his bed, I took the room in, clean and tidy. Family pictures everywhere, freshly clean sheets and everything was bright and white. "I like your room," I told him. He smiled as he walked over to the bed and bent down to pull out a duffle bag. He the proceeded to place clothing Into it.

"Why can't I come with you again? I could help! And this way Connor would have to come with us and leave the pack." Rory gave me a look as if to say I was crazy. "That would never happen in a million years. One, because you are staying here where it's safe. And two, Connor wouldn't leave." I rolled my eyes. "You think leaving me with him is safe too?" I ask. Rory sighs, his eyes bore into mine as he cups my cheek. "Please alice, I just don't want you hurt." I knew he wanted to protect me, but I didn't want to stay here when my brother could be in danger. "Rory.." His eyes shined once his name left my lips, I knew I could work my way into going, why should I trick my boyfriend into that though? Wait, he's never said we are boyfriend and girlfriend, I can't say we are together like that yet.

"I'll stay and be safe." I didn't want him to leave, but the thought of my brother hurt made my stomach knot. "just bring him home and be careful," i wrapped my arms around his torso and took in his scent. sweet and calming, just like he's been to me. "I'll bring him home." but what if i wanted to be the one to do so? why can't i save my family? 'so now you want to change your mind?' savanna barks at me. I roll my eyes mentally. 'did i even say that? it's just why can't i do it?' i wanted to be the one who went to make sure he's okay. 'you realize the council will have the book they sealed the spirit wolves in right?' my jaw drops, literally.

Rory pulls away and looks at me confused. "what's wrong?" he asks. i block him out for a second and tune straight into savanna. 'we have to go. i need that book!' i exclaim. savanna scoffs. 'that's if you're ready to get it.' ready? did she mean my powers? 'yes and you only have mastered your first one!' she shouts. i growl back. 'i'll sort it okay!" she retreats without saying anything else. finally i zone back to the present time and see Rory in front of me with worried eyes. "what the hell just happened?" Rory asks. i shiver, his voice is so demanding. "Savanna." was all I could say. Rory embraced me and we ended up falling on his bed, me under him as he hid his face in the crook of my neck. "I'm so glad you're okay! please don't ever do that to me again!"i laughed as he grips me tighter. "sorry, i didn't mean to worry you." i apologize, but i couldn't help the smile on my lips. "are you going to let me go now?" I ask after a few minutes of us laying there. he shook his head. we laid there for another half hour before Rory started to pack again. I was sat watching whilst playing our favorite songs and singing along. it was nice being distracted from my mind for a little while, and Rory made it that much more special. I could feel myself fall deeper in love with him everyday and I didn't want to ever stop.


please don't kill me! i haven't updated in months! i'm sorry but i've been busy with my gcses. they are coming up and studying has been hectic. so after june im going away to america and i should have more inspiration over there! so expect a lot of updates in the summer! thank you for being patient, love you guys.

~ Emily

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