Chapter 19

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I AM POSTING OMFG THIS IS CRAZY! ALSO DONT KILL ME FOR THIS CHAPTER THANK YOU. But I will be updating the whole book after this chapter cause I keep cringing at my previous chapters.

I trudge down the hallway as I make my way to Connors bedroom. His scent clouds the corridor, it makes my stomach churn as it fills my nostrils. It coated me, intoxicating my lungs with the abnormal scent.
It contrasted with his original scent, a hint of burning wood and leather swirled with the fraud of the fraud of a scent. Savanna growls, despising the stench. A wave of regret washed over me, recalling how naive I'd been by trusting in him so easily.
I wanted to turn back time and run far away from his act. But at the same time, I knew I wouldn't. The past couldn't be changed, no matter what mistakes I made, I just had to learn from them.
Which lead me to my exact moment, leaning against the cold cherry oak wood I placed my ear to the door, I listened to his heartbeat from outside his door. Thumping against his ribcage was a steady heartbeat, I mentally concluded that it must mean he's sleeping.
I pondered on my choice. Leave or stay? Leaving left me with more unanswered questions, which I valued at this very moment. Staying meant I could achieve in retrieving the information I so desperately needed.
Making my decision, I twist the silver door knob open and barge into the room.
His figure shot up from the bed and he was stood up in seconds. I leaped back at the sudden movement, not expecting such quick reflexes.
I squeal as his body thrusts itself forward, towards my small frame. I dodge away from his tackle and he lands on the floor with a thud. His nose connecting with the wooden floorboards, skidding across them creating a trail of blood.
I can't help the laugh that escapes my lips. His bottom hung high in the air showing off his designer jeans and his head flat on the ground. The only thought that crossed my mind was downward dog.
Savanna howled at the unexpected event, thrilled by his stupidity and how he got outsmarted by us. The start of our revenge, even if it's only a small act.

Finally I controlled my fit of laughter and he managed to shift into a crossed legged position of the floor. His green orbs pierced into my own, his eyebrows furrowed together. I drop onto his bed and bounce slightly from the springy mattress. I looked up at the pearly ceiling, trying to conceal the smirk tattooed onto my face.
"And what do I owe the pleasure?" Connor asks, he stands brushing off invisible dirt from his jeans.
Ignoring him my eyes scan the room, taking in every nook and cranny.
A set of dark oak wood Chester draws sits in the corner, only a pair of jeans rest on the top, his clothes are neatly tucked away in his duffle bag that lays next to it. The tall mirror, set to the right side of the room, is clear of a spec of dust. His bedsheets are ruffled as if he'd fallen asleep by accident and the desk staring across from me has nothing to show. His wardrobe is shut tightly, sealing everything away from sight. Everything is clean and private. I scoff at his obvious attempt of hiding himself from any prying eyes.

"Well," I bat my eyelashes and force a sweet smile. "I was hoping we could go for a run." I crossed one leg over the other and watched Connors eyes shift from my eyes to my slender, bare legs. It repulsed me to watch his act, knowing deep down he was betraying his destined mate.
But I knew I had to convince him to come, which Taya aided in planning my little game. She demanded that I wore shorts to trick his dick controlled mind. In which, was working.
"Let me get changed." His eyes swirled with black whilst his tongue glided over his bottom lip.
It made my wolf stir. Her voice boomed in my head as she declared that only Rory could look at me like that. I rolled my eyes mentally at her, reminding myself and her that I had to do this. I had to get his to talk.
"Okay." I left the room, swinging my hips purposely. The plan to distract him rising in my favour. Maybe if his minds elsewhere he will tell me what I need to know. I could only pray it would work.
I slam his door shut and listen to his heart beating rapidly.

Is he my mate? The thought crossed my mind more times than I'd like to admit. Not only had I dreamed of meeting my mate my whole life but I had imagined that I'd truly love him if so.
The spray had to be in use for something. It had to possible effects: The spray attracted the wolf spirits, instantly giving me away or the council already knew it was me and the needed a way to get him close to me.
Either way I couldn't help the bad feeling settling in my stomach. Have I given myself away?
Deep down, I knew I hadn't. Why would he suspect the innocent baby who couldn't even leave without a body guard?
To him I look weak, pathetic and incapable of protecting myself.
A growl erupted in my chest. Hatred flared inside me, Disliking the thought altogether. I knew very well that I was anything but that.
The moment savanna told me who she was I've wanted to know her strengths. My senses seem to be heightened compared to everyone else's. My reflects have gotten swift and effortless. It's like I know what's coming at me before I can register it in my own mind.
I disliked the thought of being perceived as weak yet knowing I wasn't made the thought just that bit more bearable.

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