chapter 15

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grandma and i stand inside the training arena, she's in her human form, i, in my wolf form. she had sensed my uneasiness whilst i helped her bake, without even thinking i'd told her everything that had happened with Rory and Connor. She also offered to help with my spirit wolf and keeping her hidden. so there i stood, in front of my grandma with my wolf form my only cover. it felt strange but no matter what i couldn't shake the feeling that i was following the right path. i never believed in destiny, or fate, but should i? I'm the one who chosen to be who brought back the spirit wolves, and Connor shows up and finally Rory admits his feelings towards me, Gran tells me she knew bout the spirit wolves. maybe it was a coincidence, or, maybe it was destiny.

Gran snaps me out of my train of thoughts with her sharp tongue. "What's the first rule of fighting?" my brain instantly goes to the most common answer: don't get on the floor. but it's not for wolves, you get us on the floor? I'll just cut their stomach open. "don't lose eyesight of them ." i see the side of her lips curl. "very good," she kept perfect eye contact with me, like a tiger stalking its pray. "But with a spirit wolf that's no longer a problem." I titled my head to the side. I didn't get time to question her words as she jumped over my head, shifting, and into the arena behind me. 'You shouldn't even need to sniff me out. Close your eyes and sense me.' I did as she instructed, closing my eyes, and tried to sense something. I waited, I imagined the arena in my mind, but nothing worked. She could be anywhere!
I huffed and stomped into the trees. 'It's not working,' it came out as a whine but I was just annoyed with myself. 'Can't you hear me telling you?  the first sixth sense is mind reading. you have sight and smell, they work also to find someone but being able to know where they are gives you an upper hand.' mind reading? I laughed. 'you're kidding right? you want me to use telepathy?' i asked in disbelief. 'if you think this is a joke go back inside miss.' Gran's voice was sharp like a razor blade, she wasn't normally strict but when she was; you listened. so i cleared my mind and tried to listen for my grans thoughts. pushing my brain to work double time, but my attempts seemed to fail me every time.

I attempted to read grans mind for hours, she changed her position from time to time, but no senses would surface. i'd destroyed three trees in the progress and my breathing has turned heavy. i laid on the floor next to gran, she looked at the trees with a strange look in her eyes, i groaned as i threw a rock to the side of me. "why can't i get it to work?" i exclaim. Gran shakes her head. "i think it's you're powers, they haven't settled in yet." she answered, but she didn't seem truly convinced with her own words . "maybe I just don't have that sixth sense?" i suggest. Gran shakes her head once more and looks down at me. "you're meant to have them all as the last remaining spirit wolf." i jumped as i heard the arena doors open, gran didn't seem phased but her eyes looked cautious and panicked, like looking at the moon on a foggy night. "why do you even believe i have a sixth sense? you've never explained, just shoved me in the woods and asked me to find you." I rose from the ground and sighed. my mind was frazzled, split into a million questions, ones i didn't even understand. i bit my lip and stared at one of the bushes. why can't i read her mind? anger boiled inside of me, something inside me lit like a match. everything slowed and i felt hot, like my whole body was on fire, prickling at my skin. I hadn't even realised what had happened until it had set a flame, like a bird shooting up but not getting far enough, trapped in the bush and started to scream. the bush was in pain, but how i knew that was a mystery. I had set the bush on fire and it was screaming. "I think we found your first sense." gran laughed. I didn't find it funny, all i good see was the burning flames, as it turned to pure black, ass the leaves fell with tint of amber round their edges. so much beauty in such a painful way. "I don't know how I did it," I tell her, gran laughed. "sometimes things just come to us." "all good things come to those who wait," it was a saying she use to tell us growing up, always be kind and god will reward you. not that i was religious, neither was gran, but she believed there was something after life. i never thought about it, there being an after life? maybe that is the fun part, the surprise. but now that my life is being threatened by the man said to be my mate, I'm scared. in the back of my mind, the pit of my stomach, I know i might not walk out of this and I'm okay with that.  "shall we go find that lovely boyfriend of yours?" gran asks. I fell myself smile, my eyes tear away from the roaring flame gran is about to extinguish, and nod. "let's go." 

"how'd it go?" Rory asks, wrapping his arms around my waist. we was in the privacy of my brother's office. Rory was going through some paper work when i found him, he looked exhausted, hidden under piles of paperwork. "okay, i didn't read grans mind but i set a bush on fire." Rory chuckled and hid his face in the crook of my neck. "Rory you're tired, let's get you to bed." he groans into my neck, sending shivers down my spine, made the hairs on my neck stand up and my bones to tingle. "fudge and crackers," I whispered. my neck started to vibrate as Rory starts to laugh. "fudge and crackers?" I try and death-glare him but i couldn't help but giggle. "It's just a saying i picked up." I looked down, feeling uncomfortable. i only really said it around Oliver, since i knew it was a strange thing to say. Rory's finger met my chin and lifted my head up, making me meet his gaze. "don't hide from me, please, don't ever hide from me." his lips met with mine in a sweet kiss. it didn't last long, but it made my stomach feel like a thousand butterflies taken off inside it. "Now time for bed," he said with a cheesy grin plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes and let him lead me out of the room with our finger entwined. how am i meant to leave this beautiful person behind?


hello! yay! i'm sorry it took so long, i really am. also sorry for it being so deep haha. but i've never been so inspired to write anything like this before and i loved writing it. i loved being able to give Alice a sense of being a human. and the whole six sense thing? yeah i don't even know where that came from. i just thought it would maybe help for a better fight scene later. also the book should be picking up soon. i mean where's oliver been this whole time? surely it can't take this long right? ;) sorry ahah

~ emily

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