Chapter 1

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I have been thinking about this story for a while now. Hopefully it's not too bad. :) Anyway, first chapter dedicated to my first fan. Thank you...

* * * * * * *

Wynn Albright:

I twisted the telephone cord around my fingers as I spoke. I have never been able to stop being a nervous wreck, but I smiled warmly hoping that somehow she could hear it in my voice.

''Yes, absolutely, Mrs Storm.'' I replied, ''Thank you.''

The smile left my face when I saw my dad standing in the doorway, shamelessly listening in. I let it go this time.

''So?'' He asked.

''I'm going over to meet the boy after school. If it's okay, I can join as from tomorow.'' I replied simply. Apparently Mrs Storm had scheduled to meet other girls for babysitting her youngest boy, Stevie, but the eight year old was picky. His older brothers were musicians and famous, but I had never heard of them. It was not a great surprise. My family and I had recently moved to the United States when my Dad got transfered here. I remembered being thrilled. Only now was I a bit anxious about the change.

''I don't know why you insist on working, Wynn.'' My father said. The age old argument. 

''60 bucks an hour. I'm supposed to tutor him as well. I think it's a good deal.'' I replied, smiling.

* * *

I walked to school on my first day, hoping it will calm my nerves. But it all kicked in again when I saw the building. It was not particularly huge or grander than my old school...It was just...different. I studied some students who went past me, through the main door and went in myself, straight to the Administrations Office.

I managed to make it to my first class and survive the embarrassment of the introductions. I was glad nobody took notice of me. I was only in the third period that I met Denzil. 

''Hi, I'm Denzil Doyle.'' He said, extending a hand towards me which I shook. We had a few free minutes before the teacher arrived. We were seated but I could tell Denzil looked too young to be in this class and Denzil Doyle? 

''Yes, I'm really 17 and yes, that's my real name.'' He added with a grin.

I shook my head, smiling too. My expressions had a mind of their own. I could never control them them. ''Wynn Albright. Nice meeting you.''

The teacher arrived and the class began.

Overall, my first day was not so bad. Well, a group of girls made fun of my hair once and another group about my glasses, but that was alright. I also met Tori, a friend of Denzil. She was a little airbrained but I took an immediate liking to her and occasionally scolded Denzil for making fun of her. The afternoon came quick and it was  time to go at the Storms to meet my new student.

My student. Grr! That sounded weird.

Dan Storm:

I frowned, alarmed at the sound. Nate's eyes widened slightly as well.

There it was again. A giggling sound. High-pitched. Loud. More than one. Girls.

I motioned Nate to come with me. We were standing at the top of the stairs, looking down when they saw us. Three girls, looking around the living room. They squealed when they saw us and I did my best to smile at the awkwardness.

They just opened the door and came right in? It was the third time this has happened the past month.

''They must think it's totally cool.'' Nate told me as we climbed down. I smiled slightly. Pretty confident fans.

Once the squealing stopped, the girls looked at each other and the one in the pink sweater spoke first, stepping forward.

''Hi! We're the girls who got you the flowers!'' She exclaimed, in a high, slightly breathless voice, thrusting a bouquet of red roses towards me. I took it, looked at the flowers and the card that said: ''Rock on, Storm Brothers! We love you!'' and a lot of red hearts were drawn in glittery red ink.

''Wow, thanks!'' I said, smiling and this gave way to more giggling.

The girl stared at me in amazement, ''Okay!'' she exclaimed, after a minute of blank-out, her grin never fading. Nate was already at the door, opening it. He had been signing a CD to another squealing fan. And one by one they went out. I closed the door gently and this time locked the door, sighing.

I came downstairs again, some fifteen minutes later, looking for a snack when I noticed another girl standing awkwardly near the doorway, looking around. She was dressed in dark jeans and a red shirt underneath a dark sweater. She also wore black balerina shoes, standing at no more than 5' 4.  She had dark features and an interesting complexion - somewhere between creamy white and a tan. Her dark eyes were serious behind her glasses, concentrating on nothing in particular, but you'd think she was deciding the fate of America. Very pensive. She was not the most beautiful girl I had ever seen and I had seen many. In fact, she was pretty average looking.

 We'll have to get security around here. I thought drily. This is getting out of hand! Now's not a good time anyway. My brothers are waiting for me in the studio

I waved my hand as I walked to her, trying to get her attention, ''Hi, hey! You cannot come in here.''

She was surprised to see me. She opened her mouth to say something, but then didn't as I opened the door and motioned for her to go out.

''Actually I'm here to -' She started, but she did not put up any resistance when I stirred her gently out. She just looked utterly confused.

''I know, but we're busy at the moment.'' I replied politely, then added with a smile, ''Maybe next time, ok?''

I waved and closed the door on her, rolling my eyes.

A dark featured, slender woman stepped in the room, dressed in a pink dress. She had a round face, a light complexion with rosy cheeks.

''Hey mom.'' I greeted her but she was confused.

''Where did she go?'' She asked, holding a glass of lemonade.


''Stevie's new tutor.'' She explained,'' She was right here a second ago.''

''Oh shoot!''I let out, comprehending. I flung open the door, ready to call  the girl. But she was standing right there. Her expression had changed from confusion to surprise again, but she smiled slightly when she saw my mother who let her in again.

''I'm sorry, I thought you were a fan!'' I told her then flashed her a smile that I knew girls died for.

She frowned at me, but added in a gruff tone ''That's alright.''

My smile faded slightly. She didn't melt? Well, there is a first for everything.

''Here you go, Wynn.'' My mother said, handing her the lemonade.

She took it, smiling crookedly at her. She seemed a bit nervous still.

''Stevie!'' My mom called and a few seconds later, my little, eight year old brother came in. When he saw Wynn, he hesitated at the foot of the stairs, touching the handle of the barrister. 

''Stevie, this is Wynn. She will be your babysitter and tutor.'' My mother introduced them.

Wynn smiled a bit crookedly at him and when Stevie smiled back, she grinned. She did not seem nervous anymore.

I smiled myself, noticing how when Wynn grinned, a dimple showed on her left cheek. Stevie and Wynn shook hands and were both grinning when mom led them to the living room to discuss a few things. 

I shrugged and hurried upstairs, finding the missing lyric that rhymed with the piece of song we had been trying to compose. That crooked smile of yours, it knocks me off my feet!  

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