Chapter 2

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Here is the second chapter. Hope you will enjoy

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Fortunately my house was just a couple of blocks down from the Storms. We were in a tight budget and I knew I would not be getting a car soon. It was Saturday. Though I would have liked to accept Tori's offer and go shopping, I found myself looking forward to my first day of actually tutoring Stevie. I had taken an immediate liking to the little boy as well. He was so adorable with his chubby cheeks that just demanded a pinch. His hair was longish and dark brown which matched his chocolate brown eyes. And that cute little smile! He had shown me his room, his toys, talked a little about where he was having trouble at school. I listened and told him a little of my own trouble with catching up with work at my own new school and how I decided to take the bull by its horns.

I had a file tucked under my arm containing my assignment due tomorrow. I was hoping to add some finishing touches to it. I was supposed to tutor Stevie till six and babysit him till eight. Mrs Storm was going at a charity event at 6.30, while Mr Storm and Stevie's older brothers had a meeting with an agent. 

I learned that Stevie actually had three older brothers. Travis was the oldest at 20. Second came Daniel or Dan at 18 and third was Nate at 16. I had only met one of them so far, the arrogant Dan and if the others were like him, then I did not want to meet them. 

They were rockstars, it seemed, so I should not be surprised that they turn out to be stuck up jerks or something. They had money and girls running after them. There was probably nothing higher for them. Dan's face flashed in my mind and I realised I despised him already for no apparent reason. Maybe because he had shut the door in my face and I had never felt so humiliated in my life.

I paused at the gate, clutching my file with both hands as if it was a shield. Mrs Storm has warned me about Frisky, Dan's new dog. I was not sure which breed it was, but it was light brown in colour and kind of big. I had to admit I was a bit afraid of it, although he had not bitten me when I first came. Just stared. And that was creepy enough.

I closed the gate behind me and soon enough I heard the yapping. I whirled around to face the dog which was running towards me at full speed. I let out a scream when it jumped at me and fortunately I had the gate behind me to save me from falling. But apparently, it was not me Frisky was after, but my file. He had a firm hold of it and tugged. I let it go hoping the dog will leave me alone. Instinct of survival first.

Frisky started running the other way then, my file in its mouth. I stared after him for a few seconds, processing what had just happened.

''Hey! No, stop! Frisky!'' I cried, running after the dog across the grass and around the house. My assignment was in that and I had no other copy. It counted for  30% of my grade!

I was not really into sports but this was my grade we were talking about. I ran, focused on the dog and had no real trouble keeping track of it. We were nearing a swimming pool when Frisky stopped for a second, unsure and then looked at me. I was just one step away and was about to grab the file when the dog swung the file in the air.

My mouth opened in horror as the file flew towards the pool.

Without a second thought, I ran onto the swimming pool jumping board and caught the file midair. But I had no time to catch my balance. I was falling at a strange angle in the pool. At the last second I flung the file towards the grass clear of the water and I plunged in the water headfirst. 

The feel of the impact surprised me and I let go of my breath. I thrashed about, not knowing if I was going to the surface or not - the bubbles and foam blinding me. Did I mention I didn't know how to swim? 

I would have probably at-least broken through the surface if I was not panicking or horribly fresh out of air. My lungs were burning now and I stopped thrashing about, feeling myself sink. 

I am going to die in a freaking swimming pool?! I thought in disbelief. 

I sank further in. All this time, I had not even been able to right myself up I thought sadly , my vision was now clear of the bubble but very blurry. I closed my eyes.

Just then I felt something strong curl itself around my waist. My eyes flew open. I was soaring up steadily and fast. When I burst through the surface I gulped in a mouthful of air. My vision cleared and I was able to see an arm around my waist, pulling me towards the border. Whoever it was held me as I hoisted myself out of the water. I turned around to see who it was and it was no other than him. He did not get out of the water as I sat on the edge, my legs still soaking in the water, trying to catch my breath.

''You're alright?'' He asked and then flashed me that stupid smile again.

My hand touched my file then and I opened it. The pages were intact. Perfect.

''Yeah. '' I let out in a breath, relieved and grinning at my work as if it was what had actually saved my life.

I turned to look at him and it was only then that I noticed that Nate and Travis were also there. Nate was in the pool, shirtless like Dan and Travis had his goggles on, a magazine in hand. Both were staring at me and as I looked down, I got the same look from Dan.

I could feel my cheeks grow hot as I stared down at him who then grinned, as if laughing at my embarrassment.

I stood quickly then and started walking away, my file safe in my arms. Frisky stared at me and I glared back. The dog got the hint and sat down.

I marched away, feeling their eyes on my back, my sneakers doing a stupid sound as the water squeezed out.

Once outside, I ran all the way to my house. Fortunately no one was home. I changed in dry clothes, all the while debating if I should go back. I felt totally humiliated! 

My hair was only half dry when I reached the Storms house some fifteen minutes later. Mrs Storm was counting on me and there was Stevie... And more importantly still, I was no quitter. I still had the file with me. Stevie questioned me, like Mrs Storm about why I was so late. I replied I had a little incident. No biggie. 

Frisky was in the living room with us then, sitting on the floor. Though I did not glare at him this time, he lowered his head as if he was sorry. My heart melted and I carefully stroke the dog's head. Frisky lifted its head, it's eyes closed looking pleased at the touch.

When I went to sit beside Stevie and started on his lesson, Frisky moved and sat near my feet, looking at Stevie and me when we talked. He stayed during the whole hour that we studied. Afterward, we ate the pizza Mrs Storm had made for us and had fun watching a Jim Carrey movie.

It was not until eight, when it was time for me to leave that I saw them again. I was at the door, waiting for them to enter first before I could leave. My eyes were downcast but I could tell Travis and Nate did not pay any attention to me and climbed the stairs to their room. Dan just stood in the doorway waiting, blocking my path until I looked up.

There it was again. That mocking smile. Or was it? I could not tell. All I knew was that he was annoying me.

I glared at him and was slightly pleased, though I kept it hidden, when I saw his smile fade to surprise and confusion. 

I walked out then, not caring that I knocked him with my shoulder. He just should not have stood in my way with that goofy smile.

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