Chapter 7

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From the front seat, the car seemed to be even more impressive. There was leather at every nook and corner, everything so well designed...It was intimidating. So I just folded my hands on my lap and tried not to touch anything.

''Why are you so tense?'' He asked in his usual teasing tone.

I looked at him for a second and then obediently squared my shoulders as I leaned my head back to stare outside, my hands still clenched together in my lap. He did not add anything more and for that I was grateful. I thought about what I had just seen and heard and found I was not angry about it yet. Or maybe it was because I was trying to ignore Dan's existence when he was sitting right beside me.

I recognised some landmarks as we went. My uncle worked in this studio, but I had met him only once at work when I was six and came to America on vacation. Photography made him happy and he had taken the courage to tell his parents that when they had saved up to make him an engineer. I admired him for doing what he wanted to do in life. 'Be who you are and not feel ashamed of it' He told me once,''No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.''

''Stop the car.'' I said suddenly, breaking the silence in my soft tone. He glanced at me questioningly, but I was staring at my left. He slowed though. I turned to him and my voice came stronger this time, ''Stop the car, Daniel.''

This time he obeyed, but his eyes still questioned mine.

''It's just around the corner, isn't it?'' I asked, looking straight ahead.


''I can walk the rest.'' I exclaimed, opening the door and slipping out. He did not try to stop me. He just looked too puzzled.

''Why?'' He finally asked.

''You're a big star.'' I explained,'' You should not even be seen with a girl of my type.''

With that I closed the door gently and walked leisurely. He slowed the car to match my pace for a few minutes but I stared right ahead, ignoring it. Finally the tinted glass rolled up and the car sped away around the corner. I could breathe again.


Stevie noticed something was off right away, unlike some. So I faked an excuse about having pending homework, which made matters even worse. Now Mrs Storm was apologising and talking about canceling the meeting. When I thought nothing else could go wrong, it turned out the Supernatural stars had to cancel. 

Have you looked at her? She not even halfway my type!

Well, who wants to be your type,  you jerk?! I thought angrily as I paced around, waiting for Stevie to come from the washroom. This was not even close to exciting. I looked around. Just a lot of wires and people to avoid. Well, at least the place was big. Even selected fans were allowed in. So far I haven't even caught a glance of uncle Mitch and I was too shy to ask anyone here about him.

''Wynn! Wynn!'' Someone squealed.

I turned around, surprised, ''Tori!''

Tori rushed towards me, her hair bouncing.

''What are you doing here?!'' We both asked at the same time and laughed.

''Melinda invited me to come at the last minute.'' Tori explained.

''I have to look after Stevie,'' I explained in turn.

''Tori!'' Someone else was calling now. Tori turned around and waved at Melinda and a couple of girls standing around the brothers. Or more like smothering, ''Come on, they have time for one picture!''

''Coming!'' Tori yelled back and started dragging me along.

''Tori...'' I complained, pulling back.

''Who's gonna take the picture?'' Melinda asked excitedly. I still avoided Dan's gaze, but I took Melinda's camera.

''May I?'' I asked.

''But then you wouldn't be-'' Tori started but Melinda was putting her into position.

''That's alright. I'm not such a big fan anyway.'' I muttered as I positioned myself and took the picture. I did not care whether anyone heard me or not.


 Ted Hendricks, one of the light-boys was showing Stevie something technical and he seemed so engrossed with the subject, I thought it'll be okay if I wandered about by myself for a while. Ted said he will watch him for a while.

''Uncle Mitch!'' I cried, waving at  a tall, dark featured man with a camera in his hand. He looked up and grinned, giving me a hug.

''What a surprise!'' We both said at the same time.

''Hey, can you help me with something? I need to test a screen'' He asked after the pleasanteries.

''Yeah, what do you want me to do?'' I asked, not sure what he was talking about.

''Just pose.'' He replied seriously, bring the camera to his face.

''Wha- uh-ok.'' I relented, smiling. It looks fun when the others are doing it. I stood awkwardly at first but then started to relax, trying to mimic the models I've seen on TV and in magazines. Mitch was grinning as I let myself go. I danced and laughed, waiting for him to ask me to stop goofing around. But he didn't. He laughed along and clicked away. No one was looking this way. They were all busy with the boys just a few metres away.

''Ok, ok. Now let's see...'' Mitch said, connecting the camera to his laptop. A light switched on behind me. I turned around and gasped.

''I-I thought this was some kind of wall...'' I managed to say, stepping back as I looked at my pictures on the gigantic screen. 

''Hey it's working now!'' Someone exclaimed behind me. I peeked behind me and to my dismay there was a crowd gathering to stare at the pictures. Among them was Dan and his brothers.I could not handle the embarrassment any longer. I lowered my head and slipped away.


Dan Storm

I stared at the slideshow like everyone else. Then it paused on the last photo, everyone seemed a little dazed but recovering. The photo showed Wynn smiling shyly and looking down. Her left dimple showed. I was not sure if it was because of being aback by the size of the freaking screen or watching Wynn in absolute detail, but I could not look away.  I felt a strange chill through my body and immediately after that warmth spread through. My heart hammered in my chest. That was strange. This was just Wynn. In a picture! For me to get this kind of reaction, it'll probably take a hot girl like Kyla in my arms. And even then it might not cut it. This felt good, right somehow. Pure? What is this? I did not want to question it. Just enjoy it while it lasted.

''Whoa, it's so cool to have your picture on a giant screen like that.'' A female voice said.

''Yeah, any idea who took that shot?'' A masculine voice asked

''Who cares? Who was the girl?'' Another male

''She must have had a lot of makeup on. Her skin was so smooth and that skin colour!'' A female voice exclaimed.

''She was not wearing any make up!'' Another female voice retorted. I could identify her as one of the close friends of Wynn.

''With that complexion she could turn into a model or better yet an actress.'' Michael Strysand said, nodding. He was an assistant director.

''My god she's beautiful...!'' I said under my breath, as I continued to stare at the screen.

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