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I wake up sneezing my head off. I groan because I know I'm getting sick. I crawl out of bed and guide my way to the kitchen.

"Taylor! You look terrible. I'm taking you to the doctor. Go get dressed." Emily panics like a good mama.

"Ok, mama Emily." I smile and go to my room.

I put something simple on and go to the living room. Dad looks at me and puts on a phony smile. I ignore it and walk out with Emily. I get into the front seat of the jeep and buckle my seat belt. Emily takes off towards the doctor in Forks. I have to see Dr. Cullen. Carlisle.

"Taylor Uley." Carlisle calls me back with a smile on his face.

I fake a smile as I drag Emily back there with me. I sit on a table by a black guy with a busted eye brow.

"Taylor. What brings you to me today?" Carlisle asks kindly.

"I woke up sneezing like crazy. I think I'm getting sick." I reply.

"Can you explain how? You live with wolves." He whispers the last part.

"Well, i went on a date with Paul last night. To Tiyoto. He left me there because of Laurent. I called Emily and I waited outside in the cold for her. She was late because she got me a hot chocolate." I reply.

"Alright. Let me check your vitals and I will take some blood. Is that okay?" Carlisle asks. I like that about him.

"That's fine, dr. Cullen." I smile.

I have a fever of 103.4 degrees. My blood pressure is good. My sugar is low. And now Carlisle is taking my blood.

I get my phone out as I'm waiting for my blood results and see that I have a message from Paul.

Hey babe sry bout last nite. Hope ur not 2 bad sick

I roll my eyes and put my phone away. Because I'm not replying to that message and Carlisle just walked back into the room.

"Taylor. You have the flu. So you're home bound for a week. No outdoors. Now, I'm calling a prescription in for some antibiotics. Hope you get better soon. I'll stop by La Push in a week to check on your status." Carlisle explains.

"Yes, sir. Thank you." I smile.

With all that said, I walk out with Emily.

"Honey, I'm sorry." Emily wines.

"It's not your fault. Paul is the one who left me at Tiyoto." I sigh.

At the house, I walk inside.

"What did they say?" Dad asks with Paul right beside him.

"103.4 fever. My sugar is low. And I have the flu. Carlisle is making me stay indoors for a week and he's stopping by in a week to check on my health status." I reply simply and walk off to my room, mad at Paul for making me sick.

I throw on some pajamas and sit at my desk. I write in my diary.

'Dear Diary,
Hey there. Long time so write. Well, I'm dating Paul Lahote. I'm the daughter of alpha Sam Uley. You know that though lol. :/ I love Paul so much I can't even describe it in words or numbers. I was a whore in Vegas but now I'm loyal. That says a lot. Well peace. Ttyl. :P bye.
Taylor Uley ❤️❤️❤️'

I hide my diary in the little black box dad gave me for my personal belongings, well my private things I don't want anybody else to see. And that is my diary and my old razors. I cut when I lived in Vegas because my mom didn't give me the attention I needed. She didn't nurture me as needed. All she's so was feed me and bathe me as a baby. Well, and burp me. She wouldn't take me to the doctor or buy me toys or clothes.

I look out my window to see the wolves departing into the wolves. Go figure. I just go to the kitchen and make me a glass of orange juice to drink. Emily is making dinner.

"Mama Emily, I'm going to skip dinner tonight." I say trying my best not to get sick.

"That's fine dear. I will put some to the side for you tomorrow. Ok?" She smiles motherly like to me.

"Thank you mama. I love you. I'm going to bed." I say as I finish off my juice and put my glass in the sink.

"Alright, sweetie. Love you too, good night Taylor. I'll let your dad know." Emily smiles warmly at me.

"Thanks. And tell Paul I'm mad at him." I say.

Emily smirks but nods. I go back to my room and lay down in my bed. I cover up because I begin getting chills. I instantly fall asleep.

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