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It's morning and I get to hunt today. I put on my jean shorts and a Rolling Stones tank top. I slide my sneakers on and put my nose ring in. I go to my bathroom and I brush my hair. I decide to curl it. I smile at my reflection. "Taylor. You're beautiful." I tell myself. I do every morning. I try and believe it.

I walk downstairs to see that Jasper is the only one down here at the moment.

"Carlisle wants me to take you hunting. They are preparing Edward and Bella's wedding tomorrow. Wanna go? Edward says you're invited." Jasper says all at once.

"Okay. And yeah, I'd love to go!" I say happily. I'm eager to hunt, and eager to see the vampire and human get married.... He'll kill her on the honeymoon... I just know it, I just don't know how yet...

Jasper and I take off outside and run into the woods with our immortal speed. I hear leaves ruffle and I stop. I smell the cougar right behind the bush I froze in front of. Jasper stops beside me.

"Go ahead, Taylor. Bring up your vampire strength." Jasper says.

I smile at him and jump in the bush after the cougar. I rip the animals head of and eat his insides and drink the blood. I wipe my mouth in satisfaction and walk out of the bush. Jasper smirks at me and we take off back to the house.

"How'd it go?" Carlisle asks entering the living room.

"Great. I got me a cougar." I smile at my victory. I'm glad to finally be on this diet.

"Good. tomorrow is Edward and Bella's wedding. Dress nice. The wolves are going too because Bella is friends with them." Carlisle says lightly.

"Yeah, Jasper was telling me about the wedding. And I I'll dress nicely for the wedding." I smile brightly.

"Good, we'll see you then." Carlisle says.

With that said, I depart to my room upstairs. I sit in my recliner and recline it out. I close my eyes and fanaticize.

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