Chapter 5: It's Time

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Today is the dreaded day. Harry is leaving. 

Right now he's getting ready while our parents are talking. Me? I'm a mess. I've been crying for four hours straight. I didn't sleep at all last night. I sat in my bed, sobbing my heart out.

I knew I had to face him and say goodbye. It will hurt, but I have to. 

I wiped away my tears and walked into my bathroom. I pulled on some clothes that didn't consist of my attire for the past few days, which was sweatpants and a big t-shirt. I brushed my hair and left it down. I took a few deep breaths and headed downstairs. I stepped out of the front door and walked over. Harry was talking to my mum.

"There she is," my mum said turning around. I smiled slightly. "Good luck Harry, we're cheering for you," she said give him a quick hug.

"Thanks Ms. Hill," he smiled. My mum waved and walked back into the house.

"I'll let you two say goodbye then," Anne said walking towards the car.

"So..." I said awkwardly.

"Come here," Harry said opening his arms. I hugged him, never wanting to let go.

"Harry, I have to tell you something," I said pulling back. Guess it's now or never.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I, I..." I stumbled. "I'm gonna miss you," I said holding back tears.

"I'm gonna miss you too Mason," he said smiling.

"Do me a favor," I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Two actually. One, when you become famous, because I know you will, don't be a snob. Two, don't forget about me," I told him.

"I'll always remember my partner in crime," he laughed hugging me again.

"Good," I smiled.

"Well, I have to go," he said. "Bye Mason," he said walking to the car and waving,

"Bye Harry," I said waving. He got into the car and was gone, off to fulfill his dreams. "I love you," I said quietly as the car drive away.


It's been two days since Harry left, and I've remained in my room since then. I've talked to Chloe a few times, each time she asks to come over. I decline her offer because I don't want her to see me like this.

"Mason!" My mum called from downstairs, "It's on!"

I jerked up and bolted out of my room and ran downstairs. I jumped over the couch, landing in my spot. My heart was racing as he appeared on the screen. His mum, sister, and step-dad were all backstage with him and wished him good luck.

I felt nervous as he walked across the large stage as people cheered.

"Hello," he greeted as he stood in the middle.

"Nice to meet you, so what's your name?" Simon asked.

"I'm Harry Styles," he said calmly.

"Okay Harry, how old are you?" Simon said.

"I'm sixteen," he answered earning cheers from the crowd.

"So tell me a bit about you," Simon said.

Harry continued to tell them about his life, working in the bakery, and what he would study in college.

"What are you going to sing?" Simon asked.

"I'll do Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder," Harry answered.

I smiled as I remembered hearing him sing that song at the bakery one day.

I waited for music to start but Harry started singing. When he was done, the audience cheered wildly as tears of joy ran down my face. My stomach tightened as the judges prepared to speak.

"Nicole, what do you think?" Simon asked.

"I'm really glad that we had the opportunity to hear you acapella because we could really hear how great your voice is," Nicole replied. "For sixteen years old you have a beautiful voice."

"Thank you," Harry smiled.

"I agree with Nicole, however," Louis started, "I think you're too young. I don't think you have enough experience and confidence yet." The crowd booed at his response.

"Ah yes, someone in the audience just said rubbish and I totally agree with them," Simon said as the crowd cheered. He explained why he disagreed with Louis then asked for his vote.

"Harry, for all the right reasons, I'm going to say no," Louis said earning boos from the crowd once again.

"I actually don't think they booed you loud enough there," Simon said looking over at Louis. This made the crowd erupt in loud booing.

"Boo," Harry said into the microphone making the audience laugh.

"Nicole?" Simon asked.

She smiled, "I like you Harry. I'm gonna say yes."

My heart was pounding in my chest. It was now all up to Simon.

"Please say yes, please say yes," I whispered crossing my fingers and closing my eyes.

"You'll be happy to hear I'm going to be agreeing with Nicole. You're through," Simon said with a smile.

I jumped up off the couch and screamed. Harry smiled and thanked them then walked off the stage.

"Oh my god! My best friend is on the X-factor!" I shouted.

"Mason," my mum laughed, "calm down!"

"I can't mum! I have to call him!" I said still shouting. I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone. I hurriedly dialed the number I have forever memorized and bounced up and down while I waited for him to answer.


"Ahhhh!" I screamed into the phone. "Harry!"

"Thanks for deafening me Mase," he laughed.

"Sorry! I'm just really happy for you," I said.

"I thought I was going to crap my pants up there," he said laughing.

"I think I would too in front of Simon flipping Cowell!" I laughed.

"Hey, I have to go, but I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later, bye Harry," I answered.

"Bye Mason," he said then hung up.

I was sad that we didn't get to talk much, but now it will be impossible to reach him. It will be alright though, he said he'll call me tomorrow. So I'll just wait until then.

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