Chapter 1: Summer Begins

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The final bell rang, dismissing us from this prison they call school. I slung my bag across my shoulders and walked through the crowd of people. I made my way through the doors and spotted him at our usual meeting place, which was just an old tree.

"Hey there stranger " He said smiling at me.

"Hello there Harold," I laughed.

He groaned and rolled his eyes, "You know I hate it when you call me that."

"I know, that's why I do it," I answered.

This happened daily, a brother and sister type of bickering and teasing. Harry and I aren't related in any way, we just get along the way a brother and sister would. I like having our relationship this way. We can talk to one another about anything. When we talk, it's never awkward. Conversation flows naturally.

"My mum's cooking dinner tonight if you want to come over," Harry said as we walked home from school.

"How could I miss out on Anne's cooking?" I laughed.

"So I take that as a yes then?" He asked.


"Hey Mum," I said as I walked into my house.

"Hi sweetheart, how was the last day of school?" My mum asked as she cleaned the kitchen.

"Good, I'm just glad it's over," I answered. "Oh, I forgot to ask, is it okay if I eat dinner at Harry's?"

"If it's alright with Anne," She replied.

"It is, and thanks mum," I smiled.

I walked upstairs and entered my room. I slid my bag off my back and tossed it in my closet. Won't be needing that for a couple of months. I quickly texted Harry telling him I was coming over shortly. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I dried and braided my dark brown hair.

"Mum, I'm leaving," I said as I passed her room.

"Tell Anne I said hello and be sure to thank them," She replied.

"Will do," I said walking down the stairs. I exited my house and walked maybe five steps and was on Harry's front porch. I rang the doorbell and waited.

"What did I tell you about ringing that doorbell? You're practically family!" Anne laughed as she opened the door.

"Well, you know what happened last time I didn't knock," I said as a small laugh escaped my lips.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Gemma said as I walked in. "No one should ever witness that."

"What are we talking about?" Harry asked coming from the living room.

"Oh nothing, just about how you mentally scarred Mason for the rest of her life," Gemma told her brother.

His eyes widened, "Oh that, I just blinded you with my sexiness." He smirked at me.

"Okay Mr. Hotshot," I said patting his shoulder. "Whatever makes you happy."


"Thanks again for dinner Anne, it was great," I said placing my plate in the sink.

"No problem, you're welcome anytime," Anne smiled.

"Well I better head home, nice seeing you again Gemma," I said giving her a hug.

"You too Mason," she smiled.

Harry and I walked outside and took our usual route to my house. Since we lived practically five feet away from each other, we walked through the park and down the block to pass time.

"It's summer finally," I said taking in the scenery as we walked on.

"Seems like it takes forever to get here," Harry laughed.

"Agreed," I said. "So what are we going to do this summer?"

"Well, there's something I need to tell you," Harry said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Good news or bad news first?" He asked looking at me.

"Hmm," I said thinking, "Good then bad."

"Okay, well you know I love singing," he said.

"And you're an amazing singer too," I smiled. Harry truly was an amazing singer. He's always singing, everywhere. Walking to school, around his house, even when I would stop by and visit him at the bakery on the weekends.

"I've thought about it for months, but I have finally decided to audition for the X-factor," he said with a smile.

"Harry," I said throwing my arms around him and hugging him. "That's fantastic!"

"Yeah, it is, but the bad news," he started as his smile faded a tiny bit, "auditions are in a few weeks."

"Then we'll just have to make the most of these few weeks," I said forcing a smile on my face.

Inside I was dying. I know he'll make it far into the competition. I have no doubt about it. Heck, he could even win it. And if that happens, will I ever see him again?


(AN: Here you go! The first official chapter of The Note! Sorry it was short but the next few, which I've already written, are longer, I promise! I'm really excited for this story so keep a look out for whenever I update! This story, I feel, is waaaayyy different then my other. Thanks to those who read and to those who follow me! I really appreciate it :)

Stay beautiful!

-K x)

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