Chapter 16: Gone

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-Mason's POV-

I think there is a possibility I might die. This pain right now is terrible. It's like having your heart ripped out and stomped on. This is the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. I feel like someone has struck me with a knife, everywhere. I feel as if someone has repeatedly kicked me in the stomach and chest. I feel as though I've witnessed the one I loved being taken from me. I feel completely broken.

I don't think I can breathe. Sobs have taken the place of breathing. Tears blurring my vision prevent me from seeing anything. My limbs feel numb and limp. My heart feels as if it has exploded in my chest.

No noise comes from my mouth, except for that of sobs and whimpers.

'I have to move' I think. 'I need to tell someone. But who?'

I grab his shattered phone, placing it in my hand. I managed to shakily get on my feet. I begin to run through my house. I run outside and stop once I reach the street. I jump when the broken phone began buzzing. I couldn't read the name since the screen was cracked, but I answered it anyways. I remained silent until the person spoke.

"Harry?" The voice asked.

"Niall?" I quietly managed to say.

"Mason? Is that you? Where's Harry?" He asked.

"He's... He's," I stuttered but only started crying again.

"Where are you?" Niall asked.

"My house," I answered.

"I'm coming to get you. Stay there," he said quickly then hung up.

About five minutes later Niall showed up. I carefully got into the car and he drove.

"So what's wrong?" He asked, still focused on the road.

"Harry's..." I started, "gone..." I whispered.

"What do you mean he's gone?" He asked becoming more worried. I began crying even harder, unable to speak. Niall looked over at me and held my hand in his and patted it. "Hey, it's gonna be okay," he assured me.

The rest of the way, to wherever we were going, was silent except for my quiet sobs. We pulled up to the boys flat. Niall quickly got out and opened my door. He helped me out of the car and up to the door of the building. While we waited in the lift, I stood in Niall's arms. When we reached the door, Niall opened it and the others came.

"Mason?" The questioned as I stepped in. They noticed my tears and became worried.

"It's Harry lads," Niall told them. "He's gone."

I stood there trying to hold in my sobs, trying not to look so weak and broken. Louis noticed and pulled me into his arms. He rubbed small circles on my back as I cried.

"What happened?" Liam asked after a moment.

"I don't really know," Niall answered, looking over at me. I stepped out of Louis's arms and slowly pulled out the note from my pocket and handed it to them.

They each took turns reading it, each one of their faces growing worried and full of sadness.

After Louis finished it, he looked at me. "Do you know where he is?" I shook my head no.

"Why would he do this?" Zayn said shaking his head.

"The hate," I spoke, surprising everyone. They looked at me with questioning looks. I pulled out his phone and showed them. I unlocked it and sure enough, twitter was pulled up.

"We have to find him."

"But Louis, we don't know where he is," Liam said.

"I don't care, we're going to find him," Louis said taking my hand, "and if any of you want to join us then feel free."

I looked at Louis in shock but he continued on. He grabbed his keys and we walked outside. We got into his car and almost left when Niall came running out of the house. He hopped into the backseat and smiled at us. Louis nodded then we drove off, headed who knows where.


"Mason," Niall whispered while poking me in the side. I groaned and turned away from him. "Mason, we're stopping here for some food, so c'mon." I rolled over and opened my eyes forgetting why I was here.

Then I remembered. I was currently in Louis's car, with him and Niall, searching for the love of my life, who left without a reason.

I crawled out of the car and followed Niall in. I sank into the plastic booth and laid my head in my arms on the table. Niall sat down across from me.

"Don't worry Mason, we'll find him," He said patting my arm.

"How long have we been driving?" I asked not moving my head.

"About two and a half hours. It's about seven thirty," he replied. I sat up and giggled a bit. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"You say thirty funny," I said smiling.

"I'm Irish," he smiled.

Louis came over with a tray full of food, which was probably enough to feed a small city.

"I wasn't sure what you wanted so I got a variety of items," he said motioning to the food piled onto the tray and sliding into the seat next to me. I looked through all the boxes and wrappers and grabbed chicken nuggets. Niall looked as if he was in heaven from all this food. He grabbed a burger, a chicken sandwich, and a large order of chips.

"You're going to eat all that?" I asked pointing to his pile of food. He nodded and began eating his burger.

I ate some food but mainly picked at it and threw ketchup packets at Niall. Once Louis and I were done and Niall finished most of his food, we headed back to the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked climbing into the backseat so I could lie down.

"I figured we could look around here then either go back or stay in a hotel," Louis said pulling out of the parking lot. I nodded and almost instantly fell asleep.


"Yeah we're at a hotel. No, no sign of him yet. I'll tell her. Thanks," Louis's voice said. I sat up and saw I was lying on a hotel bed.

"She's alive," Niall laughed as I sat up. I smiled and shook my head.

"How long was I out?" I asked looking around the small room.

"We left  at eight, and you slept the entire way here. Right now it's nine," Louis answered putting his phone back in his pocket.

"I must have been really tired," I said standing up and stretching.

"I swear I heard you say something in your sleep last night, but I don't remember exactly what it was," Louis said winking at me. I blushed knowing I probably said something I would regret. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," he whispered as he passed me.

"Where are you two going?" I asked noticing they were pulling on their shoes.

"We're going to get breakfast, we'll be back shortly," Niall replied. They waved and exited the room.


I wandered around the hotel room thinking. Where would Harry run off to? I stood by the window looking down at the view around me. Cars zoomed by, a family of four were getting into their car with their luggage, an older man stood outside smoking. I almost enjoyed the silence of the room, until an abnormal buzzing ruined it. My heart jumped as I searched the room for the producer of the sound.

I stood still and listened when I saw it. I ran over to the small couch and dug between the cushions before grabbing the broken phone and hurriedly answering it.

"Hello?" I quickly answered.



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