Tachibana Hotaru x Reader

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You were eating your lunch alone on the roof since your best friend decided to abandon you to talk to this boy she likes. You sighed as you took another bite of your sandwich when you suddenly heard a voice coming towards you.

You stiffened as you recognized the council president, in other words: the guy you had a crush on.

It all happened the day a bunch of guys tried to hit on you. Tachibana Hotaru beat them up and when your eyes met his, your heart beat faster than usual. You could've called that love at first sight.

You never told anyone about this. You wanted to confess your feelings to the blonde haired boy but were too scared for that.

As you were recalling your memories from the first time you met Hotaru, you noticed him being pushed by a pink haired girl. You felt a hint of jealousy coming inside you but simply looked away only to hear the green eyes boy scream, "KANAE LET GO OFF ME I DON'T WANT THOSE THINGS ON ME!"

"You would look so cute Hotaru, I promise," the girl pouted at her friend as they finally noticed your presence.

"Oh hello (L/N)-san," Hotaru greeted you.

You could feel your cheeks getting red as he talked to you but smiled and answer, "Good afternoon Tachibana-kun, Yajima-san."

They both returned your smile before Kanae screamed in panic, "I forgot to give my homework to Takeda-sensei! Hotaru wait for me, I'll be back!"

The poor boy didn't get the chance to answer since his friend was already running away with her paper on her hands.

You laughed but quickly noticed you were alone with Hotaru... You thought you might never have another occasion like this one and decided it would be the best time to finally confess your feelings.

"Tachibana-kun, I- hum... I have something to tell you."

"Sure, what is it?"

You stared at your feet, not able to look him in the eyes, "I wanted to let you know that... That I really like you."

You closed your eyes, cursing yourself for talking that fast and being so uncool in front of him. When you didn't get an answer you finally opened your eyes only to see Hotaru staring at you, "(L/N)-san, you know that I'm a girl, right?"

Now it was your turn to stare at Hotaru.

The 'boy' you fell in love with was actually a girl? You couldn't believe you didn't notice something that obvious as someone's gender. For your defense, as far as you knew, Hotaru didn't do anything to look girly or even act like a girl.

Never though you just learned that you couldn't take your words back and thought that even if you misinterpret Hotaru's gender, your feelings towards her wouldn't change, "I- I didn't know about that... But I don't care. I didn't fall in love with you because you were a boy. I like you for who you are and I hope you'll consider my feelings."

With that you ran away and left Hotaru alone with her thoughts only.

Little did you know, she picked an interest in you and smiled as she promised herself she would think about the confession of love she just received.


You can find me on:
Instagram: DropSykesx
Skype: olivia_tommo
Line: dropsykesx

I'm sorry this is short but I hope you liked it anyway :)

Thank you so much paulakawaii for your request. I really hope this is what you had in mind. :)

Don't hesitate to ask for any kind of One Shot!

Thank you for reading. ♡♡

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