When they catch you reading a lemon about them

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Fujimoto Takatora

You smiled to yourself as you finally found some lemon stories about your boyfriend, Fujimoto.

You had always enjoyed reading those but obviously, the white haired man wasn't aware of that.

Though today he joined you in bed a little bit earlier and noticed you on your phone.

"What are you doing?" He shyly asked before laying beside you.

"I'm reading," you answered and quickly felt his gaze on your device.

Even though you weren't looking at him, you knew his face would redden as he would see some words written here, "I-is it about m-me?" He stuttered, not really sure he was understanding the situation he was in.

You nodded and gave him a quick peck on the lips as you couldn't prevent yourself from doing so, seeing his adorable face.

You finally turned your phone off and turned to face him as you whispered, "I may love reading those, nothing can beat being with you in real life."

He smiled before kissing your forehead as he held you in his arms for the rest of the night.

Hosokawa Haruka

"(F/N)-CHAAAN I'M SO TIRED!" Your boyfriend yelled as he entered your apartment after a day at work.

Since it was late you were already in bed but you weren't sleeping, you were reading. Though you heard him, you didn't really listen to Haruka since you were way too captivated by the smut you were reading about him.

A few seconds later, a huge thud was heard right beside you but you didn't pay any attention to that. Haruka kept on trying to make you listen to him but he quickly realized it was useless. He knew you would soon be done and he could enjoy your company.

As he waited for you to finish reading, the boy placed his face on your shoulder as he glanced at your phone. He wasn't trying to invade your personal life, he was just bored and wanted to know what could be so good that you weren't cuddling with him.

He looked at a few words and frowned, understanding what it was about but what made his eyes widen was the sudden mention of his name.

"Why are you reading those things about me? I'm right here, (F/N)-chan..." He pouted as he yanked your phone off your hands.

You finally looked at him and sighed, apologizing for what you have done.

Haruka smiled and leaned closer to kiss you, but as he was letting his guard down you grabbed your phone and exclaimed, "I'll just finish this chapter and I'll get to you right after!"

He opened his mouth to immediately close it and sulk as he internally hoped you would soon stop and hug him.

Hosokawa Haruki

"You're disgusting, (F/N)!" Haruki stated as he pulled your phone down.

"Why? It's nothing that we haven't done before."

The boy instantly blushed and averted his gaze from yours since he didn't want you to see him embarrassed.

You smiled and saw him stand up as he tried to leave your bedroom. You jumped on his back and hugged him tightly from behind.

"It's just that I feel lonely when you're not around," you whispered before kissing his neck, "It makes me imagine that you're with me."

Haruki sighed and put you back to the floor before rolling his eyes and pulling you closer to him, in a loving embrace. He played with your hair for a few minutes as he rested his chin on the top of your head.

You hugged him tightly and wished this moment could last forever.

Matsuoka Masamune

"Have you ever done something lewd with Yukimura?" You asked your boyfriend bluntly.

The poor boy almost chocked as he couldn't believe what you were saying. His eyes widened before blinking a few times.

"I'm reading some stories about you and Yukimura. I have to admit it's pretty hot sometimes."

At first he thought of a joke but when he peeked at your phone he noticed you were stating the truth.

Masamune sighed before placing a hand on his face, "I would never do something like that. I can't believe you read those stuff, (F/N)."

You finally stopped looking at your screen to put your gaze on your boyfriend who was laying down with his face staring at the ceiling.

You knew he was easily embarrassed when it came to love or sex. Even though he was a really good host, he would always be shy with you and you couldn't help but find it cute.

You quickly kissed his lips before teasing him a bit more, "Have you ever masturbated while thinking of me?"

Midori Nagamasa

Since you thought your boyfriend was sleeping soundly beside you, you took out your phone and started reading some One Shots about your boyfriend.

You were enjoying all the fluff and tearing up because of some angst stories until you found yourself reading a lemon.

You were fully into the story and didn't realize your boyfriend who was staring at you with a smirk plastered on his lips.

"I have never forced you to swallow though."

Your eyes widened as you heard Midori talk even though he was supposed to be in a deep slumber. Your face heated up when you felt his breath against your skin as he murmured in between two kisses, "I can be as rough as what they write if you want me to..."

You had never been so thankful to fan fictions in your whole life.

Yukimura Tōru

You were dating a pervert... Which automatically made you, at least just a tiny bit of a pervert yourself.

Yukimura was always writing his erotic manga and you, on the other hand, read them. Though it wasn't the only thing you liked reading and your other guilty pleasure was to read lemon about your boyfriend.

That's why you were now lying on his bed, reading whatever your favorite smuts about him while he was writing his own stories.

"You could inspire yourself with fan fictions," you suggested, still staring at your screen.

You didn't notice it but Yukimura had left his chair to come lie on you before grinning, "You're a much better inspiration, (F/N)-chan."

With that, Yukimura started licking your neck as you put your phone away, knowing you were now going to enjoy more than when you are reading.


You can find me on:
Instagram: DropSykesx
Skype: olivia_tommo
Line: dropsykesx

I really liked your request, 5Yun_May thank you so much for giving it to me! I hope you enjoyed it :p

Requests are closed again until I can write some of the ones bellow! :)

-Hotaru x Haruki (requested)
-Fujimon x Midori {LEMON} (requested)
-Haruki x Hotaru {LEMON} (requested)

Thank you for reading. ♡♡

Aoharu x Kikanjuu One ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant