Midori Nagamasa x Matsuoka Masamune (Mattsun) x Yukimura Tōru (Yukki) {LEMON}

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Masamune stared at his previous teammate, standing in front of him with a smile plastered on his face. God knows why, Midori Nagamasa had decided to enter the blond haired boy's apartment even though they didn't have a great relationship anymore.

Even if he wanted to, Masamune couldn't say anything... He had always been afraid of Midori and never wanted to oppose him. But deep inside he could still feel that he never stopped caring about the pediatrician.

He sighed and looked away when he noticed Midori was about to speak, "How is it going, Masamune?"

Mattsun closed his eyes and answered with a question, "Why are you here?"

The green haired voted smirked evilly as he approached the other boy. When he reached him he put a hand on Masamune's cheek and whispered, "I miss you..."

Masamune's eyes widened and before he could speak he felt a pair of lips on his. He tried to push the boy away but Midori grabbed him by the waist and pulled him closer to him. As he was about to deepen the kiss even more, Masamune quickly parted ways when he heard someone talk.

"Mattsun~~ I brought you this new game I hope you'll- What the hell do you think you are doing in Mattsun's apartment?"

As Yukimura saw Midori, his eyes were burning. He didn't know what this man was doing inside his best friend's home and thankfully for the three of them, he didn't see the kiss the two boys just shared.

"Oh Yukimura! I was just messing with Masamune." Midori stated before smiling.

Yukki frowned as he didn't understand what the green haired boy meant. As Midori saw his reaction, he softly laughed and pecked Masamune on the lips.

Without warning, Yukimura ran up to Midori and pushed him away from Mattsun, grabbing him by the collar and about to hit him in the face.

"Yukki calm down..." Masamune tried to reassure him as he just came back to his senses.

The raven haired boy kept on staring deadly at Midori as this one out his hands in the air as if he wished to defend himself, "You can join us if you want to. Let's see with whom does Masamune feel the best..."

"What are you talking about?" Masamune almost yelled as he didn't understand the situation he was in.

He saw how the two boys were glaring at each other and knew that if they could, they would fight right now. Masamune sighed and decided to come between them only to be pushed to the floor with Yukimura on top of him, "Yukki, what are-"

The boy leaned down and kissed his best friend slowly with a lot of passion. Yukimura tugged on Masamune's hair as he tried to enter the blonde's mouth. Much to his surprise, Mattsun let him do as he pleased until Midori pulled them away and whined.

"Hmm... I think that's really unfair," he stated as he put his arm around Yukimura's shoulder, "We should go to Masamune's room now."

Tōru complained but followed Midori who had already taken the confused boy with him.

The three of them were now on Masamune's bed and the boy tried to stop the whole thing, still not aware of the fact that the two people in front of him wanted to do something else than talk or even fight.

"You two should just chill up, okay? Yukki it was a misunderstanding I don't even know why Midori came here and started doing... that! And why did you two kiss me?"

Midori sighed and simply came closer to Masamune to lie him down the bed. As the blonde boy started stuttering, Midori put his lips on his once again. Yukimura felt his cheeks burning up at the sight he had in front of him and quickly approached the boys only to lick Masamune's neck.

Aoharu x Kikanjuu One ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant