Midori Nagamasa x Reader {LEMON}

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If anyone wants to RP Aoharu x Kikanjuu, Servamp or Diabolik Lovers with me please let me know :3

ALSO: I've just started a Servamp book so if you like the anime/manga and if you're feeling like reading some of my shitty imagines you can go see it on my profile :')

"Come on (F/N)," Midori whined as he still had this annoying, yet sexy smirk plastered on his face.

Midori was probably the most handsome boy you had ever met. You absolutely loved this natural green hair of his but also how caring and nice he would always be to you. However, sometimes you wondered if it wasn't an act to get what he wanted from you.

He obviously was a womanizer and you were well aware of that. But you still couldn't bring yourself to ignore him and whenever he would ask you, you would hang out with him.

It was always a lot of fun but you would sometimes try to act a bit difficult, "I won't play hide and seek with you. We're not kids you know!"

He rolled his eyes and pouted, now looking like an adorable child. He came closer to you and hugged you from behind as he knew you couldn't resist him, but you were trying your best to avoid seeing his face.

"Pretty please~"

You sighed, realizing it was utterly impossible for you not to fall under his spell.

"Not for long though."

Your answer made his smile grow wider and he took you by the hand to lead you out of his house. Once you were on his garden, he explained while pointing behind, "We should go in the forest."

You didn't move, clearly scared of hiding yourself in a forest. You shook your head off but the boy grabbed your shoulders and lead you there.

"I'm going to get lost in there," you stated, not wanting to go any further.

Midori then leaned down to whisper next to your ear, "I'll make sure to find you, don't worry."

Your heart skipped a bit, probably because of how close you two were and also how sensual and raspy his voice sounded right now.

Knowing there was no way for you to win against him, you accepted your defeat and entered the woods, terrified of the thought of getting lost.

That's why you decided not to go too far from the entrance. Well... saying that was easier said than done and as you had guessed it, you were now totally lost and frightened as you had no idea what to do.

Midori was no where to be seen and you couldn't even hear footsteps or any noise that would mean someone was close. Once you get out of this place, you will kill him and that pretty face of his.

You sat on the ground, your back against a tree and sighed as you placed your face between your knees, holding yourself tightly as you hoped for someone to come and save you.

As you were trying to calm yourself down, you heard a crackle which made you almost jump in surprise. You remained in your position and breathed heavily until you felt yourself being pulled to the ground. You yelled and finally opened your eyes only to meet Midori's face.

You felt a huge relief but unfortunately for you, it didn't last too long.

Too scared to say anything, you first tried to get up but quickly realized you couldn't as Midori was holding you tightly.

"Let me go," you mumbled, "I'm mad at you."

Even though his smirk was still present, you found it quite different from usual. The fact that he still hadn't teased you about your reaction was even more worrying.

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