Chapter One

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A.N. Lmao ANOTHER book. I've been wanting to release this one for a while, let me tell you.

Okay. Quick summary. This one is cutesy and fluffy and funny. It goes back to my old style of writing like Topping the Jock and Vanity Teens, which I thought was about time. It'll have a bunch of jokes and references and hilarious situations, and more than anything else it's about a friendship that somehow develops into more, as you can tell from the description. I hope you guys like it.

Don't worry, I know this author's note was long, but it'll end at some point... EVENTUALLY

Chapter One:

June 6th 1999 - Arthur Valgari

"You better be decent, baby Bear, I'm coming in!" That was when I heard my bedroom window slide open with a loud, thunderous thump.

"Shit, man, what time is it?" I moaned at him, still half asleep. From under my bed covers, I could just make out the outline of Freddie Pepper, my best friend since I was six years old, climbing through my bedroom window with a goofy smile on his face.

It looks kind of romantic, doesn't it? Having him climb through well passed midnight, looking handsome, no doubt. All he really needed was a rose in his mouth and a condom in his pocket.

Oh yeah, and maybe one other thing - he needed to be gay. Which he wasn't. And BTW (which FYI, means by the way) neither was I. So really, the only thing romantic about this situation was that he probably did have a condom in his pocket, although not intended for me. Most likely intended for whichever girl that caught his eye that week.

The light suddenly sprung on all around the room, and I groaned, turning over to hide my head under the pillow to block it all out. I felt blinded, and my head was banging. I knew I shouldn't have drank so much before going to bed. Bad decisions, I guess. I was great at them.

"Dunno," he mumbled. "Think it's about three," he said, and I could sense the shrug at the end of the sentence, the nonchalance in his voice, like he was totally carefree. That was just Freddie. The idiot I called my best friend.

"Three in the morning?!" I screeched, my voice more annoying and whiney than I had originally intended. He was used to it now, though. "Go home, Freddie!"

"Nope, sorry, can't do it, won't do it, have fun trying," he said, with a chuckle thrown in there somewhere.

"God!" I screamed, throwing my pillow in his general direction. "What makes you think you can show up at my house at all hours of the night and wake up the whole bloody neighbourhood? You're a prick, Freddie. A real prick. What do you want?"

I heard him pout. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't sleep. You know how I get sometimes."

"Go home, Freddie, now I can't sleep."

"But I came all the way from my house," he stropped, planting himself at the bottom of my bed. I felt my mattress jiggle, and I groaned outwardly. "And it's the middle of the night. Are you really going to kick me out? Can't I sleep with you tonight?"

I could almost see the pleading look he'd have on his face, the kind of look that would make all the girls flutter and flounder, and the same kind of look that gave him everything he could ever want. I hated how easily he got his own way, but that was just how he was. Usually, it didn't work on me, but I gave in because I was too tired to argue.

"For fuck sake, climb in then," I told him, turning to make some room. "You're intolerable, you know. And you know I sleep naked, and I'm not changing for you."

The lights switched off again, and I felt him slip comfortably under the covers beside me. He was always so warm, so I didn't mind, and this wasn't the first time he'd slept in my bed. When we were younger, my mum forced me to invite him over all the time, for dinner or sleep-overs or for no reason at all. She just loved him. I guess she was just so surprised that I'd found a friend I couldn't chase off, someone who put up with my insults and my bullshit, that she didn't want me to lose him.

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