Chapter Nine

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A.N. Prepare yourselves for an extremely cute and very sexy chapter - things are getting heated, and we're almost halfway through this little book. Don't forget to vote and comment, if you like it. And pls notice the gorgeousness of Joe Jonas (Arthur) in the image above. Ugh. Total spice sex god. Anyway. Xoxo, Clay.

Chapter Nine

14th June 1999 - Frederick Pepper

Eventually, our lips broke away from each-others', and we just stood there. I felt his forehead still leaning gently against mine, and when I opened my eyes, he had already been staring at me, in a way that was more profound than before. His soft, tangy brown eyes gazed at me with a kind of ferocious intensity, but with fear and insecurity too, clouded over in his own thoughts. Arthur liked to get lost in his own mind sometimes, thinking about things that were important to him, and I usually let him get on with his thoughts.

"I'm okay," he told me, still staring at me intently. It made me smile and pull away from him. I wasn't used to having him look at me like that. It made me shy and uncomfortable. But he looked slightly upset when I slumped myself backwards on his bed, letting my head fall onto the front of his pillows.

Neither of us spoke for a while after that, the silence making everything even more uncomfortable. I didn't know what it was, but the dynamic had definitely changed now. I wasn't sure if we could still be the same people who were funny and friendly around each-other, joking the way we used to, or whether that all had to change because we'd added romance to the relationship.

It was too early to regret it, though. And even if I could regret it, I don't think I would have. Looking back, our relationship always seemed romantic, now that I realised. We did everything that couples did, except we didn't have the feelings, or the sex, or the drama.

Maybe we were a couple this whole time.

"Is this awkward?" I decided to ask him, sitting back up. He turned his neck around to look at me.

"Yeah," he admitted. His eyes were still a little puffy from crying. It was cute. "I thought it was just me thinking it."

"I hate awkwardness," I reminded him.

"I know you do."

"So let's stop being awkward," I decided, hopping up and off of his bed to go and look out the window. "You like me, I like you, we're both great kissers, so what now?"

When I looked over at him, he seemed kind of puzzled, like even he had no idea what to do next. "I'm not sure," he admitted.

"Well," I began, leaning over his windowsill and letting the morning sunlight drape me in its golden glow, "do you want me?"

He nodded.

"Then it's simple, isn't it? We start fucking behind everyone's backs."

He scooted a bit on his bed, clearly liking this option. "Like, friends with benefits?"

"I was thinking more along the lines of a closeted gay relationship," I laughed. When I looked back over at him from the window, he had a cheeky smile on his face.


"Why not? I like sex. I mean, I've never had it with a guy, outside of that threesome that one time, but we could just add sex to the equation, so to speak, you know?"

"I don't like maths, though," he whinged.

"That's not what I'm saying, you idiot. We're still the same people, we just want to fuck each-other now, and I think we should."

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