Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

June 25th 1999 - Frederick Pepper

"Where's Arthur?"

"I'm not telling you," Alissa said, holding a pile of books in her arms. She was standing at the end of a hallway in school.

"Why not?"

"He doesn't want to see you. You should leave him alone," she advised, trying to shove passed me. I stopped her.

"I'm not gonna do that," I told her, blocking her way down the corridor.

"Just let him get on with his life, Freddie," she insisted. "He's moving on, and it's not with you, it's with someone else, so please just get over it." She thumped passed my shoulder and sped quickly down the hallway. I followed up behind her just as fast.

"What's your problem with me, Alissa?"

"I don't have a problem with you, not really, just the shit you keep pulling. You split me and Arthur up, which doesn't bother me because he's obviously a big faggot, and I was a bit of a bitch. But then you string him along like your very own little puppet, only to fuck him over and get with that perky cheer-leading skank."

"Jesike and I only kissed."

She spun around and stopped walking in the middle of the hallway. "Jesike. What kind of disgusting name is that anyway?" She snorted. "I don't really care. You knew he was watching, and you did it anyway, didn't you?"

"I know, but I'm trying to make it up to him."

"Leave him alone, that'll make it up to him. Go and find Jesike. What a fucking name. I still can't get over that." She chuckled, then turned, and started strutting back down the centre of the hallway like a model on the Victoria's Secret catwalk. "If I ever see her walking my halls I'll slap her silly."

"I'd like to see you try."

I looked ahead in the hallway and saw Jesike Johannsen, surrounded by her typical blonde girlies. She stood at the epicentre of the school's pretty bitches - Margot Marriot on her left, and Henrietta Holloway on her right. The ringleaders of the cheering squad, blocking Alissa's way in the corridor.

"So you're Jesike?" Alissa asked.

"Shit," I cursed.

"That's me, slut," she announced.

"I'd say it was nice to meet you, but it's really not," Alissa shot at her.

Jesike tutted, rolled her eyes, and flipped her silky black hair carelessly over her shoulders.

"Don't fucking roll your eyes at me, bitch," Alissa scorned. She lifted her hands and tied her hair into a ponytail, letting it fall down her back like strings of sticky caramel.

"Alissa, don't start anything," I whispered to her.

"I'm not starting anything," she said. "But I'll fucking finish it."

"And what's a tacky, low-rent, washed up princess like yourself going to do?" Jesike laughed.

"Princess? Hun, you're looking at the queen, so stay on your own level and bow the fuck down."

Jesike stared down the hallway blankly for a second, kissed her teeth, and held her hands at her hips. "You think you're the queen? In what fucking world?"

"I've got better things to be doing than throwing out the trash. Move out my way."

"Or else what?" Jesike asked. Her two sidekicks, Margot and Henrietta, smiled, and poised themselves beside her.

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