20: Ryan Walton

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Ryan Walton was the last person on Belle's list. She had gone through her collection of names and made sure—three times—that everyone had a post. It was the last week of school and their graduation assembly would be on Friday.

Birthday Suits had become a little redundant at that point. Views weren't as consistent now that everyone had something more exciting around the corner, but there were still some regular commenters. And even though the buzz around the blog had dwindled to more of a hum, she still continued with her regular schedule of posts.

Belle was in for a busy week, so she sat down and wrote Ryan's post.

Let's demolish gender expectations when it comes to relationships. Not every relationship has to have a female and a male role. Homosexual couples don't have to discuss which has to be the 'sassy flamboyant' and which has to be the 'butch'. Heterosexual couples don't have to have a significantly smaller woman as opposed to her taller companion. Ryan Walton and his five-foot self is adorable with his five-foot-six girlfriend. Ryan Walton may not think he's beautiful, but I do.

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