A Letter to Santa, from Belle

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Dear Santa,

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Dear Santa,

It's been about ten years since I last wrote to you and a lot has changed since then. I'm pleased to announce that I have decided not to become a hairdresser even though I begged you for the beauty set when I was eight. After a disastrous experience cutting not one, but four of my Barbie dolls' hair, I realised I'm simply not cut out for a job with such a heavy responsibility. I personally thought Barbie looked beautiful bald. Unfortunately, blonde hair on my bedroom floor wasn't as pretty. Still, I send my thanks for giving me the opportunity to try something new. My mother, on the other hand, sends her tears in a mason jar.

A lot has happened this year, my biggest pride and joy being my blog, Birthday Suits. Reminding people of the true meaning of beauty was something extremely important to me and graduating high school knowing that the campaign snowballed into a group effort was the cherry on top. Of course, it wasn't all smooth sailing. There were a lot of complications on the way, a few arguments, some negativity, but the overall outcome was a positive one and everything was worth it in the end.

People still wonder about who created the blog. From time to time I like to open the comments section and read through all the newest posts and there are still a lot of questions regarding my identity. And while it's tempting to give everyone some peace of mind, I can't really take all the credit for something that required so much more help from my peers. So I plan to keep my last ever post as the final one.

This is starting to become a bit of a ramble, isn't it? I should probably cut to the chase.

While a lot of letters you receive probably include long lists of preferred presents during the holiday season, I'm afraid I'm nothing different. However, my request may be somewhat unusual as opposed to what you're usually used to reading. Because of my efforts this year (as outlined above) I'd like to give my Christmas wish to someone else. After all, Christmas is all about sharing, right?

You see, quite a few surprising events happened after the closing post on my blog. For one, I nearly ran over Wesley Samuels while backing out of the carpark after an extremely stressful exam. Near-death experiences happen to aid as excellent—if not morbid—conversation starters. Turns out we'll both be attending the same university this upcoming March, we're both into the same type of music and we both share a mutual love for Maltesers.

It's only been a few weeks since we've developed this unexpected friendship, but strangely enough, it feels like we've known each other far longer. And because of this, I'd like to give my Christmas wish to his grandfather. As you may or may not know (do you keep tabs on people over eighteen?) he is feeling a bit homesick. I'd love if you could send something his way that will remind him of Spain. I think that would really lift his spirits because even though he's eighty –seven, adults still deserve recognition for being nice, don't you think?

Attached with my letter is tall glass of iced tea and a lamington. I'm sure you get plenty of cookies and milk during your journey around the world, so I thought I'd give a little Australian spirit into your snaking options tonight. Besides, it's absolutely boiling outside so I hope you swapped out your suit for shorts and thongs.

Santa Clause, you may not think you're beautiful, but I do. Have a very merry Christmas.


Belle Moore

P.S. I'm sorry there were never any cookies and milk for you whenever you visited me during my childhood. My dog ate them all.

P.P.S. I lied. I don't have a dog. I ate them all.

P.P.P.S. Please write back soon.

 Please write back soon

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I was absolutely ecstatic when Coca-Cola contacted me to be a part of their Naughty or Nice campaign and I was thrilled to dive back into Belle's narrative. The holiday season is upon us and this is the perfect opportunity to do something nice for someone. Making someone smile is a gift of its own, both for you and the recipient, so why not share the joy? Remember, Santa is always watching, so he knows if you've been naughty or nice! Have a very merry Christmas and stay safe during the holidays!

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