Chapter 16

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Alexis stayed with Allison as Stiles and Lydia went to check how much time they had. She was wearing a pair of Allison's jeans that she had packed in her bag. She called them her emergency jeans. Alexis had laughed even though this wasn't a time for laughter. She listened to Lydia telling Coach that Allison was helping her clean up a bit and it would take a little bit longer. Alexis smiled as Stiles and Lydia rushed back in the bathroom and locked the door behind them.

"How's it coming?" Stiles asked softly. Alexis pointed over as Allison who was sewing up Scott's chest the best she could with her hands shaking.

"Good so far." Alexis said as she watched Allison finish up. She heard Allison's sigh of relief but then she looked up at Scott. Alexis noticed she couldn't hear his breathing anymore.

"Scott?" Allison asked. "Scott!" She said as she slapped his face a bit. It took a second before Scott's eye's fluttered open and he looked down at his chest.

"Did you do that?" He asked. Allison nodded her head and he smiled weakly.

"Nice job." He said as he leaned his head back against the wall. Alexis's sigh of relief matched Allison's as she and Stiles walked over to help Scott up and into a new shirt. They quickly got him out to the bus and Alexis thanked Coach for bringing them here so she could get cleaned up.

The Meet was cancelled and they ended up at a motel for the night. Motel Glen Capri. It gave Alexis the creeps. Her mother had specifically told her not to stay here if she was ever travelling near it. She never told her why though. Alexis was all ready to spend the night in a room with Stiles, she felt pretty safe with Stiles, until Lydia dragged her off and said she would be sharing with her and Allison. Alexis sighed, this was going to be a long night.

They made their way to the room. Quickly depositing their thing's onto the floor by the door. There were two beds and a couch. Alexis looked a the two girl's before making her way over to the couch.

"I'll sleep on the couch." She said as she sat down heavily on one of its uncomfortable cushions. Allison shook her head.

"You can have the bed, I'll sleep on the couch." Allison said quickly. Alexis tried to tell her that she would be okay on the couch but Allison wasn't having it. She firmly told Alexis to get on the bed before going to take a shower. When she knew Allison was no longer paying attention, she texted her mom saying she was mean as a teenager. All she got in reply was an angry face emoji.

"Hey, I'm going to get some new towels because these all smell like smoke, wanna come with?" Lydia asked a she grabbed the towels off of the dresser and headed for the door.

"Sure." Alexis shrugged. Lydia told Allison where they were going and then they were off. As soon as they got to the front desk Lydia was complaining about the towels smelling of smoke even though they got a no smoking room. Then the lady walked up with a breathing tube in her neck. And they both knew why the towels smelled like smoke. While the lady changed the towels out Alexis noticed the number on the wall. 198. Wonder what that meant?

"What are those numbers?" Lydia asked suddenly. They lady went on to explain that it was just something her husband insisted on keeping up.

"Are you sure you want to know? Its a bit morbid." The lady said in a gravely voice. Both of them nodded. "We have the most motel suicides in the country." The lady explained.

"198 suicides?" Alexis asked in shock. No wonder her mother had told her not to stay here.

"And counting." The lady smiled as she handed over the towels. Alexis shuddered. Tonight didn't seem like it was going to be a good night.

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