Chapter 24

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Alexis woke up with a gasp. Then she was engulfed in a hug. She struggled a bit but then the person's scent reached her nose.

"Lucas." She sighed as she snuggled closer. Lucas just rubbed his nose into the crook of her neck, scenting her. She snorted. "Did you miss me Luca?" She asked softly as she wrapped her arm's around him. He pulled away.

"Yes, I swear to god if you get yourself sent back in time ever again you better bring me with you." Lucas said as he pulled her into a kiss. She laughed.

"So, where's my family?" She asked. Lucas kissed her cheek and pulled her out of bed with him.

"They're downstairs, go take a shower and I'll make you some lunch for when you get out." Lucas said. He pulled her into another hug before pushing her towards her conjoined bathroom. She got in the shower and quickly washed up before getting out and putting on the hoodie Lucas left in her room and a pair of sweat pants. She dried her hair and put it up in a bun before making her way downstairs.

"Lexi!" Chris said as he ran at her and jumped on her, wrapping himself around her like a sloth.

"Hello baby bro." She said as she hugged hum closer. He sighed and tightened his arm's around her waist.

"Don't leave like that again Lexi." He said softly. She smiled sadly.

"You got it bud." She promised. Her mom hugged her next. Her stomach was slightly bigger then it was when she had left.

"I love you Alexis." Her mom said as she kissed her forehead. Her dad was the last. He bear hugged her and told her not to leave like that again. She agreed and then made her way to the kitchen to get her lunch from Lucas.

"It smells amazing, what did you make, Luca?" She asked as she plastered herself to his back. Lucas laughed as unwrapped her arm's from his waist.

"A burger." Lucas laughed. Chris ran in a few seconds later.

"Did you-" he started but Lucas cut him off.

"Here you are bud." He said as he handed Chris a plate with a burger on it. Chris squealed happily and ran to the table to eat. "Aunt Allison, uncle Scott, do either of you want a burger?" Lucas asked. Allison declined the offer saying she had to eat healthy for the baby.

"Fuck yeah!" Scott said as he hopped up from the couch. He tripped a second later and landed on the hardwood floor with a loud thump.

"Language, Scott McCall." Allison scolded. Scott muttered a sorry before hesitantly getting back up and walking to the kitchen.

"Yes I would like a burger Lucas." He said sweetly as he reached out for a plate. Alexis watched in disgust as he covered it in onions and ketchup and mustard along with a tomato and some mayonnaise and pickles.

"You're disgusting dad." Alexis said with a grimace as she turned away.

"Well its a good thing your mother loves me." He said with a laugh as he went to go sit with Chris. A few minutes later Alexis and Lucas joined them. Then her mother did as well, with a bowl of fruit, until the pressure got to be too much and she stole some of Scott's burger. They sat around with each other for the rest of the afternoon, laughing and telling silly stories and just having a really good time being in the presence of each other again. Alexis decided that as much as she liked the future, she liked it better in her own time.

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