The Judge

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           So flying on something you can't see is not easy, but it is wicked fun. Air rippes through me and stings my face. I am even brave enough to lift my arms above my head like I am on a roller coaster. I am not sure the others feel my enthusasum though. Ron looks like he is going to faint and Nevil doesn't look much better. Hermione is tinged green but Ginny seems to be enjoying herself although her hands don't leve her thestrals neck.

             A few minutes after we see the lights of London our thestrals dive. When mine dives I am not quite ready for it and I slip slightly off balance but I recover myself quickly. Once we touch down I slip somewhat gracefully off my thestrals back and pat it on what I think is its neck, but it could be its but for all I know. I have a grin plastered on my face that I can't seem to remove. That is until we all have to pack in an elevator. Harry send us down to the auriturium. We tumble put of the elevator. "Woah" is all I can say when I see what is infront of me. The auriturium is huge and has its very own horizon, a gold statue rises from a glittering fountain in the centre. However Harry drags us past to yet another elevator.

                When we reach the hallway with a door at the end he almost runs to it, it takes me a moment to process why. Then it hits me he has been dreaming about this door for the entire school year. We tumble through the door when the room starts spinning, causing us all to fall over. When it stops and we can stand I see we are in a curcular room with a dozon or so doors leading off. "We are lookig for a room that sort of glitters, I'll know it when I see it" Harry says as we cross to the nearest door. Inside is another room but most of it is filled with a large tank.

"Are those things brains?" Ron asks stepping closer to the tank, Hermione steps closer.

                I relise Ron's right hundreds of brains are bobbing ip and down in the tank. We basicly have to drag Ron and Hermione away. With a bit of quick thinking Hermione puts a cross on the door to the brain room. I wonder how the unspeakable who down here don't go mad? The next room we try is practacally emtpty except for a stone arch in the middle. Harry begins to curcle it. Luna too steps towards it. They mumble about whispers coming from the empty arch. It must be one of those 'only people who have seen death' things because nobody else can hear a thing. It takes a lot of work from both Ginny and me to shake them out of their stupor. Again the room spins. This time we entre a small cuboard like room cuttered with things. On a table nearest to us is a cage with a few feathers in the bottom. Before our eyes the feathers close together to form a bird, it flies up to the top of the cage where it transforms back into feathers and sinks back to the cage floor. Without giving anyone a chance to get a closer look we leave again. As we spin this time I relise each of us have showed signs at wanting to take a closer look, Ron and Hermione were eager to further investigate the floating brains, Harry and Luna had been entranced by that old arch and Ginny and Nevil had showed signs of wanting to stop and watch the birds progress. But my own test was right around the corner.

                  I open the door to a large blue room flickering with red light. The room's light source is a open fireplace in the centre of the room. However the flames arn't your normal yellow, orange they are crimson red. Above the fire are three crystles suspended in mid air. Along the left hand wall in the corner are two massive bookcases only instead of books the hold glass balls filled with a blood red smoke, underneath each one of these balls are plaques with names on them. As soon asI saw the crystles I knew what this room is. This is the Judgment chamber. It used to be uder a ccastle in grece but when the kingdom was destroyed the room simply moved. Red shields always used to make it their mission to find this room. The crystles judge you tell you how powerful ypu are wheather you are worthy of your power.

                  I tell the others to stay on the threashold. I cross the room to the bookcase, and begin to search. These bookshelfs hold the essance of every red shield who has never been judged. I stop when I find a plaque that reads Alexsandra Lilly Potter. I pick up the ball and carry it to the fire. Upon smashing the ball into the fire black smoke rises and seeps into each of the crystles. Faces apear in them but not clear enough to make out their features.



"Potter" they say with each crystle saying a word. Its not a question, so much as a statment.

"You are powerfull" The middle one says in a low husky voice.

"You might go as far as to say the most powerfull red shield to have ever walked the earth" The left one says in a plesant female voice.

"And a link to no doubt" The right one says. This one is female too although has a much sterner voice.

"Yes but look at her personality, she will achieve greatness or bring about all of our deaths" The middle one says. I gulp they might take my powers away.

"Indeed she walks a fine line but I think she is safe...for now" The right one says.

"We hereby say you are judged, by the ancient crystles of Grece" The midde one says. I bow and walk back to my friends.

"Lets go" I say making it clear I don't want to talk. I need time to think. Weird though in the stories the crystles always talk about the red shields love. However I got the impression they like Ginny were reserving judgment. I am about to close the door when The middle crystle speakes in my mind.

"He is either the best thing for you or the worst, he will both destroy and save you, good luck Alexsandra,, Lilly, Potter." Can they hear my thoughts?

I hate letting you guys down but I'm sooooooooo sorry this isn't a long chapter and its been so long I do have a few reasons 1: I wanted to get this up as it is sooo important. 2: I need to do a time jump and I don't like writting them. 3: I wanted this event to have a chapter of its own. 4: I have had a chemestry exam. I also had my social last night it was wicked fun I danced all night. If you have the chance ro go I would deffinatly recomend it. If my math is lined up with my story line then we have another 1 maybe 2 chapters before I begin working on Half and Half. Well actually that's not true I have begun working on it but shhhhh. Let me know what you think, keep reading and enjoying. I love you guys.

-queenmorgana ♥♡♥

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