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      Its is nearly 10 O 'Clock by the time both me and Ellen are up. It hits me like a ton of bricks, I am going to the meeting I'm a member. I am bouncing all through breakfast. Ellen smiles and yawns. As she comes into the kitchen to a fully prepared plate of pancakes that I just finshed making. I pack my bags just incase Ellen has to go on an assinement for Dumbledor. By Three minutes to 11 we're standing out side holding hands. I hate the feeling of apparating. I cling onto Ellen afterwards for a second so I won't throw up.

        We walk in stride up to the door of number 12 Grimald place, headquarters for the order. The house is old, smelly and feels damp. I walk into the kitchen where the meeting is to be held. I run and hug Serius followed by Mrs Weasley then finally Tonks. I have known Tonks for a long time as  she is one of Ellen's best friends. I throw my hands up in mock suprise as Ginny walks in. I hug her. Just as I'm finshed hugging Ginny Hermione and Ron come in followed by the twins. I hug them all then preform a complicated hand shake with the twins.

"Time for a cosey catch up later the meeting's about to start" Molly says hushering everyone but me out.

"Why doesn't Alexa have to get out?' Ron complains.

"Because she is part of the order now shoo". I almost fall to the ground laughing at their faces, Ginny and Hermione are only mildly suprised. Tonks amusses me with her metaprophses while we wait for Dumbledor, and to my great displeassure Snape. They both entre. Snape stares at me then looks to Dumbledor for confrimtation who simply nodds in a friendly manner.

"As I understand it the minstry is still ignorent to Voldemort's pressence" Dumbledor says.

"Yes as far as I know" Athur replies.

"Although not all are on the minstry's side many of the auro's believe he is at large" Alastor inputs. The meeting continues with everyone contrubuting what they have descovered about the minstry and who supports it. I almost fall off my chair when I hear about Harry. Its true I saved him from something lastnight but I didn't know he used magic. It is well after 1 when the meeting starts to come to a close.

"Ellen it would be most helpfull if you would find out Voldemorts where abouts" Ellen nodds.

"Profesor what about my brother's rescue"? I say speaking directly to Dumbledor.

"Ah yes, Alastor will be reponsible for that it will happen tonight after sundown anyone wishing to come along must talk to Alastor" Dumbledor says as he bows his way out. As soon as he and Snape are out Alastor tells u of the plan to get Harry.

"The party can't be too big or too small so who wants to tag along?"

"I'll go" Tonks says. Alastor nodds.

"Try and stop me" I say forcefully.

"Alexa it could be dangourus." I laugh at this.

"Please as if anyone could lay a fingure on me or Harry or you or Tonks for that matter, plus I can ride a broom and you know it" I say, there is no way I'm being left behind. Alastor regretfully nodds, while most just look confused. Kingsley ends up being the last member of our party.

"I know no one can get in but its good to have a questioner".

"How about Ginny?" I say. Everyone looks at me.

"Okay sort it out before we leave at six thirty". I give one nod. Everyone suddenly leaves.

     I hug Ellen goodbye. I know she will be back later before we leave but its still hard to say goodbye. Serius said I could stay here so I'm not going to leave with the Moodys. I hug everyone goodbye and help Molly clean up. As soon as I'm done I race upstairs to find everyone else. I find Ron, Hermione and Ginny in a room with three beds and green walls. Pandamonum starts the second I enter the room. After a feww seconds of everyone talking at once the twins arrive. I tell them an overdraft of the meeting. Once the fun order related talk is over the twins leave.

"So a hearing but thats so unfair" Hermione says shocked.

"Yeah well thats the best Dumbledor can do" I reply.

"Anyway I'm just glad hes not expelled and he will be able to tell us about it tonight when he gets here" Ginny remarks. Everyone nodds. All talk of Harry fades away with a very low comment from Ginny that only I heard.

"He'll be here tonight I'll see him tonight".

     At six O'Clock everyone who is going to get Harry assembles in the hall with their broomsticks to go over the plan. By six thirty we're ready to leave. Alastor pulls me ruffly to his side in a hug. Tonks makes duck noises all the way outside with me laughing all the way. We nodd to each other then set off. I mount my broom then kick off. I can't help but smile when I feel the wind sting my cheeks.

      All the ligts of London run like a river below us. Car horns blare and motorbikes roar. I do a few sumersults then have a competition with Tonks. Its so good to fly I don't even notice them until there right ontop of me. I feel my blood turn to ice. My body stiffens and I begin to fall as a hooded dementor looks overtop of me. It only lasts a few seconds though because Alastor conjours aa patronus. I am half off my broom. I feel my broom drop out from underneith me. I begin to fall to my certain death. Then my broom Slides underneith me again. I understand then that I did not fall my broom reliesed me. My broom saved me! Everyone curcles around me ensuring I'm alright. I must have said I'm fine atleast twenty million times before they got the message. All too soon I see the Dursleys house. They must be asleep its either that or the're watching the news. We land in uniform and dismount.

     I see no lights in the upstairs windows the Dursleys must have turned in early. Thank goodness that makes are job easier. Kingsley has the lock open in half a second.

"So clean these muggles its unatural" Tonks says on the second landing.

"Quiet Tonks they'll wake" Alastor growls.  We open Harry's door. I am almost jumping up and down with excitement, in a few seconds I will see my brother. The shock on Harry's face is priceless as we all bundle into the room. To break the ice I run up to him and enfold him in a hug.

"Harry I've missed you, are you okay?" I say stand by his side.

"Catch up later we're still vunrible here" Alastor says.

"Right sorry".

"I'll help him get his things" Tonks says steping forward. Holding out her hand to Harry.


     The rest of us trudge down the stairs. Its a miricle the Dursleys havn't woken up yet, lazy pigs. Kingsley gets Harry's fireebolt from the cubord. I remember when I got my fire bolt, it was a gift from Alastor and Linda for my thirteenth birthday. It takes a bout five minutes for Harry and Tonks to get everything and come down. We stand in a line outside the house. Alastor and Kingsley godown putting a disinlusiont charm on us just incase. I can tell when its on because my bones feel like liquid. I mount my broom and take off. Harry seems to be enjoying himself for we have competitions all the way. We can aford to fly low over the river. I drag my hand through the silkey water. Harry dropes behind me doing the same.

     The journey back seems too short. We land and Alastor revels number 12. I walk up to the front door and knock four times. Four knocks for what year Ginny is in. She opens the door enough to put her ear out. I lean forward and wisper:

"Hey lover". She blushes bright red and lets us in. I let Harry in before me so he gets a good view of the place before everyone crowdes in. I can almost hear his astonishment. His mind ticking like clock work. I slip in behind everyone. I see his eyes rest on serius I hurry upstairs to tell the others he's here.

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